Areas of Focus
- 肿瘤发生、增殖、转移、耐药过程中的表观遗传调控机制
- 三维基因组功能及基因表达调控机制,基因功能鉴定
- 新一代多组学技术开发
Work Experience
- 2021.10-至今 - 华中农业大学 - 研究员,博导
- 2023.07-至今 - 华中农业大学 - 青年联合会委员
- 2020.07-2021.07 - 德国癌症研究中心 - 资深博士后,表观遗传学(分子神经)
- 2019.01-2020.06 - 荷兰癌症研究所 - 博士后,表观遗传学(肿瘤)
Academic Background & Achievements
- 2013.09-2019.01 博士,表观遗传学/基因组学:鹿特丹伊拉斯姆斯大学/荷兰癌症研究所
- 2010.09-2013.07 硕士,生物化学与分子生物学:北京师范大学
- 2006.09-2010.07 学士,生物技术:南京农业大学
- A comprehensive enhancer screen identifies TRAM2 as a key and novel mediator of YAP oncogenesis, Li Li*, Alejandro P Ugalde*, Colinda LGJ Scheele, Sebastian M. Dieter, Remco Nagel, Jin Ma, Abhijeet Pataskar, Gozde Korkmaz, Ran Elkon, Miao-Ping Chien, Reuven Agami, 2021
- LncRNA-OIS1 regulates DPP4 activation to modulate senescence induced by RAS, Li Li, Pieter C van Breugel, Fabricio Loayza-Puch, Alejandro Pineiro Ugalde, Gozde Korkmaz, Naama Messika-Gold, Ruiqi Han, Ran Elkon, Reuven Agami, 2018
- Functional CRISPR screen identifies AP1-associated enhancer regulating FOXF1 to modulate oncogene-induced senescence, Ruiqi Han*, Li Li*, Alejandro Piñeiro Ugalde, Arieh Tal, Zohar Manber, Eric Pinto Barbera, Veronica Della Chiara, Ran Elkon & Reuven Agami, 2018
- The synthesized transporter K16APoE enabled the therapeutic HAYED peptide to cross the blood-brain barrier and remove excess iron and radicals in the brain, thus easing Alzheimer’s disease, Zhenyou Zou#, Qiqiong Shen, Yanxia Pang, Xin Li, Yongfeng Chen, Xinjuan Wang, Xinhua Luo#, Li Li#, Yizi Li & Hong Lin, 2018
- The genetically engineered drug rhCNB induces apoptosis via a mitochondrial route in tumor cells, Yang,Y., Yang,H., Yang,J., Li, Li., Xiang,B. and Wei,Q., 2017
- Calcineurin subunit B upregulates beta-interferon production by phosphorylation of interferon regulatory factor 3 via Toll-like receptor 4, Wang, X., Li, Li., Huang, Y. and Wei, Q., 2012
- 湖北省高层次人才计划 (2023): 因杰出贡献而获奖
- 武汉英才计划 (2021): 被评为优秀青年人才
- 德国癌症研究中心国际博士后奖金 (2019): 10名获得者之一
- The RNAtrain Grant (2014): 全球13名获得者之一
- 国家奖学金 (2012): 中华人民共和国教育部颁发
- 国家奖学金 (2009): 中华人民共和国教育部颁发