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21 实例探究
Transformation for IoT Business Model in Connected Industrial Vehicles - PTC Industrial IoT Case Study
CNH Industrial 希望将支持物联网的 viechles 推向市场。无论是监控单台机器还是整合整个车队,操作员都能够跟踪机器的状态、速度和运动及其性能,还可以接收有关可能需要合格技术人员服务的问题的警报,以提高正常运行时间和整体效率车辆。
Reducing Mean Time to Repair by 50 Percent with SmartConnect - PTC Industrial IoT Case Study
使用 SmartConnect 将平均修复时间缩短 50%
瓦里安拥有多种医疗器械和癌症治疗系统,支持当今的前沿治疗方式,包括调强放射治疗 (IMRT) 和图像引导放射治疗 (IGRT)。这些治疗系统部署在全球 1,000 多家医院和诊所。传统上,系统和设备问题需要一名或多名服务技术人员在医院现场诊断和解决问题,从而导致更高的成本和患者治疗时间的损失。对于一个典型的治疗设备,一天治疗时间的损失会导致35名患者错过治疗,这是医院和患者无法承受的。如果操作员提供的信息不正确或不完整,以及一旦技术人员在现场无法重现问题,问题的解决可能会很复杂。 Varian Acuity™ 成像系统(一种用于测试患者治疗计划的集成模拟器和验证工具)的操作员有时需要专家协助。图像质量优化、解决操作问题和调整系统性能可能会耗费 Varian 及其客户的时间和金钱。
Providing Proactive Support with Intelligent Smart Services  - PTC Industrial IoT Case Study
“为了让我们保持低成本和高客户满意度,同时提供改进的响应时间,我们需要一种更好、更快的方法来解决问题,而不是派遣现场技术人员,”格柏科学全球服务执行总监 Mark Hessinger 解释道。当新员工进入服务组织时,格柏面临着对他们进行培训的持续需求。服务战略的改变使格柏能够建立更强大的技术支持组织和更有效的流程,以使新的现场服务工程师跟上进度。 “我们在北美和欧洲有很多终身雇员,”Hessinger 说。 “七年后,人工年限的损失将加速,因此我们需要保留产品知识,以免它成为一个更大的问题并影响我们的客户。” Hessinger 和他的团队意识到他们需要一个解决方案来远程连接到他们的产品并识别、诊断和解决问题。理想情况下,这会发生在他们的客户甚至意识到问题之前,减少现场技术人员的派遣或在需要现场访问时提高首次修复率。通过从部署在生产中的产品中收集数据,公司可以通过捕获和保留信息开始解决劳动力老龄化问题。收集有关耗材和零件的信息可以自动进行耗材补给、优化备件库存,并使格柏能够提供真正的预防性维护。 “我们没有平均故障数据间隔时间,因为我们不知道客户实际使用我们产品的时间,”Hessinger 说。 “一些客户每天使用我们的产品几个小时,而另一些客户则 24/7 全天候使用它们。获取实际使用数据将帮助我们更好地规划我们的备件和运行时间所需的消耗品。”确定有助于为其计划构建业务案例的其他功能包括最大限度地减少产品停机时间、自动化软件补丁分发、提供增值服务、为工程提供产品使用数据,以及为分销商和新技术人员提供有关产品功能的远程培训。
Reducing Unscheduled Downtime and Customer Efficiency - PTC Industrial IoT Case Study
Leica Microsystems 将其成功归功于提供创新产品和卓越的客户服务。为了扩大其领导地位,该公司开始为其共聚焦显微镜和组织处理器系列探索更积极的服务方法。 Leica Microsystems 项目团队开始寻找一种全球软件,以允许从被动服务公司转变为主动服务公司。他们的计划侧重于避免停机和预测全球潜在问题,以预防问题为目标。因此,客户不仅可以从最短的产品停机时间中受益,还可以从更快的服务和更高的生产力中受益。为了获得该计划的批准和资金,团队需要向管理层证明这种服务战略转变将优化仪器正常运行时间并降低服务成本。
Carestream: Market Disruption and Improved Customer Relationships - PTC Industrial IoT Case Study
医学影像 医疗影像中心以数字格式为医生提供来自计算机断层扫描 (CT)、磁共振成像 (MRI)、数字乳房 X 线摄影和其他先进成像系统的诊断成像,以及打印在 X 光胶片上,根据转诊医生的要求量身定制。诊断打印服务的全球市场已经成熟,并且由于整合到一些大型供应商中而日益商品化,这些供应商提高了客户对总拥有成本的敏感性。 Carestream 寻求一种新的创新方法,通过基于消费的服务来提高客户的总拥有成本,从而创建了一种新的商业模式,扰乱了这个商品化市场并改变了对 Carestream 有利的动态。医疗保健信息系统 Carestream 也有机会优化其医疗保健信息解决方案 (HCIS) 产品组合的关键维护和性能,从而简化不同成像部门的临床数据管理。随着 IT 生态系统从后端基础设施扩展到更多的床边诊断或面向患者,维护和系统正常运行时间对于医疗保健提供者来说甚至变得至关重要。
Preserving Security and Operator Safety - PTC Industrial IoT Case Study
Improving Instrument Recovery Time and Reducing Downtime - PTC Industrial IoT Case Study
在开发用于标准苏木精和伊红 (H&E) 染色的全自动载玻片染色系统 SYMPHONY® 的过程中,Ventana 意识到他们需要远程服务解决方案来确保客户获得卓越的服务水平。然而,由于开发和推出这款新产品的时间紧迫,有些人不愿意集成额外的软件。 “鉴于时间紧迫,内部有些人不愿意使用我们的 SYMPHONY 仪器实施远程服务技术,”Ventana 开发总监 Greg Dameron 解释说。 “事实上,执行团队告诉我,如果该软件会延迟 SYMPHONY 的发布甚至一天,那么我们根本不会实施它。”该公司开始评估商业远程服务产品,寻求一种能够在不破坏系统稳定性的情况下为客户提供价值的解决方案。 “我们的产品基于稳定性,因此我们需要远程服务技术也能保持稳定,”Dameron 说。 Ventana 试图通过 24/7 全天候远程监控所有现场仪器,将仪器停机时间减少到 24 小时以下。这将能够远程诊断和修复问题,为用户提供“跨肩”故障排除和培训,并跟踪库存以实时自动补充试剂。 Ventana 初级染色业务部副总裁兼总经理 Dave Flaten 表示:“我们强烈认为,提供远程服务将帮助我们实现我们无法满足的响应时间。” “我们相信它将成为产品线中不可或缺的一部分。”
Maximizing Clinical Availability and Performance with System Connectivity - PTC Industrial IoT Case Study
30 多年来,医科达一直负责在放射肿瘤学领域引入许多市场领先的关键技术进步。 Elekta 的直线加速器支持一系列预配置和可选的输送技术,使医生能够灵活地定制治疗以满足每位患者的需求。复杂设备上无法进行远程访问,医科达无法根据真实数据了解机器性能,这意味着公司无法立即响应客户问题。这反过来又意味着医科达无法在现场检测和解决问题,从而将公司限制在被动式服务模式。典型的患者治疗计划可能需要 4-6 周的每日治疗,这使得机器正常运行时间极为重要。鉴于设备的复杂性和需要收集的数据量,很明显需要一个自动化的解决方案。基础设施需要能够管理来自设备的数据量,并提供一个规模和复杂性都可以扩展的平台。 “当客户购买服务协议时,他们购买的是系统正常运行时间。他们正在购买持续提供治疗的能力……患者对患者,”医科达服务副总裁 Martin Gilday 说。 “服务不仅仅是一个拥有大量零件的工程师,而是通过多种渠道提供的完整的技术专长组合......这是您对服务的看法的巨大变化。” Elekta 的成功建立在创新工程的基础上,这导致了内部工作的文化。随着公司的成熟和成长,它意识到这不一定是最有效的工作方式。由于产品本身的复杂性,内部工程专业知识对于解决公司的服务挑战至关重要。虽然产品本身是独一无二的,但访问和服务产品的方法和最佳实践是基于行业标准的。当客户有需要解决的服务问题时,必须收集和解释机器数据,工程师需要深厚的技能和理解力。需要一个在高度连接的环境中将数据、知识和技能结合在一起的集成解决方案。 “客户将连接视为提高效率,”服务和支持副总裁 Bruce Fullerton 说。 “他们的关键绩效指标是基于他们在给定时间空间内可以接待多少客户。”
Volvo Group Delivers Digital Thread Through Lens of Augmented Reality - PTC Industrial IoT Case Study
在当今瞬息万变的市场中,定制已成为新常态。随着产品复杂性和独特配置的数量和变化率增加,这带来了新的质量保证挑战。沃尔沃的发动机非常复杂,仅一个工厂就有 4,500 种不同的发动机信息变体,而整个工厂则有 13,000 种变体可供参考。对新操作员进行复杂检查程序的培训需要五周时间,这增加了整体质量成本。
CVRx® manages risk and accelerates time-to-market with PTC integrity - PTC Industrial IoT Case Study
CVRx® manages risk and accelerates time-to-market with PTC integrity
CVRx, a medical device company, was developing a second-generation system, XR-1, for Baroreflex Activation Therapy. The company initially used IBM Rational DOORS as the requirements management engineering platform. However, after a year, CVRx needed a more flexible, configurable, and customizable platform that could also facilitate requirements reuse. As the project evolved, the company recognized a need for a broader toolset capable of more than just requirements management. To meet compliance regulations and ensure quality while maintaining an aggressive schedule, CVRx needed a comprehensive solution that could manage its requirements, specifications, test cases, change requests, defects, and other documents, processes, and records, as well as automate compliance reporting.
JLG Industries Revamps Service Parts Pricing Strategy with PTC’s Solution - PTC Industrial IoT Case Study
JLG Industries Revamps Service Parts Pricing Strategy with PTC’s Solution
JLG Industries, a renowned manufacturer of aerial work platforms and telehandlers, was facing increasing competitive pressures on its replacement parts business. The company was using a cost-plus pricing strategy for its service parts, which was proving ineffective. This approach created a 'blind spot' and lacked market adaptation. Customers were seeking more cost-effective solutions and started buying non-OEM replacement parts from competitors, compromising quality for lower pricing. This trend signaled to JLG the need for a new approach to parts pricing. The challenge was to optimize pricing for 140,000 service parts with a department of one.
Lexmark teaches customers how to save money by printing less - PTC Industrial IoT Case Study
Lexmark teaches customers how to save money by printing less
Lexmark, a leading printer and multifunction machine manufacturer, decided to exit the consumer inkjet business in 2012 to focus on the enterprise market. The company aimed to shift its focus towards software and services that could help customers save time and money. Lexmark's new strategy was more consultative, emphasizing complete solutions that reduce costs by maximizing the efficiency of networked workgroup-style printers and multifunction machines. However, this service-oriented strategy required real-time visibility into its global operation to offer service-level agreements that guarantee minimum downtime.
Using Integrity™ Modeler ™ as a core platform for a global systems engineering strategy - PTC Industrial IoT Case Study
Using Integrity™ Modeler ™ as a core platform for a global systems engineering strategy
Alstom Transport, a promoter of sustainable mobility, was in need of a SysML (Systems Modeling Language) tools supplier that truly understood the standard. They conducted a comprehensive evaluation of all the leading SysML tools on the market, focusing on several key criteria: conformance with the SysML standard, ease of integration and extensibility, collaborative design, ability to manage product lines, and quality of support. As a multi-national company, Alstom Transport’s systems design projects involve teams in a variety of countries. Therefore, a development environment truly capable of supporting collaborative working across dispersed teams was important to Alstom Transport.
Technip ensures the reliability of its calculations using PTC Mathcad - PTC Industrial IoT Case Study
Technip ensures the reliability of its calculations using PTC Mathcad
Technip, a world leader in project management, engineering, and construction for the energy industry, faced challenges in optimizing the design of its installations to meet the needs of the oil and gas giants. The company was using manual methods for equation data production and entry into Excel, which led to many errors. The company also needed to adapt quickly to the many developments in calculation over the past 20 years. The design office needed a solution that could provide high transparency and perfect legibility for all operations carried out, which was not possible with Excel.
National Oilwell Varco uses PTC University’s eLearning and assessment solutions to improve design and accountability - PTC Industrial IoT Case Study
National Oilwell Varco uses PTC University’s eLearning and assessment solutions to improve design and accountability
National Oilwell Varco's Pressure Control Group (PCG) was facing challenges in training and assessing its engineers to ensure they design quality products, meet regulatory requirements, and follow strict internal guidelines. The traditional industry practice of pairing new hires with mentors was proving inadequate due to the mentors' own project commitments. The lack of formalized training and accountability led to significant rework, slowing the design process and potentially impacting product quality. The company needed a paradigm shift in its training approach to improve engineering quality and accountability. Additionally, the company was struggling to deliver on a tremendous backlog of business due to substantial business growth over the past several years.
How Metso implemented Service Parts Management (SPM) in the Cloud to unearth value from its global supply chain - PTC Industrial IoT Case Study
How Metso implemented Service Parts Management (SPM) in the Cloud to unearth value from its global supply chain
Metso, a world-leading industrial company, was facing challenges with its global supply chain. The company was using a location-based, on-shelf availability model, which resulted in isolated and independently managed inventories across its 39 locations. This approach was inefficient and reduced Metso's ability to serve its customers effectively. The company also had to manage intricate material flows, making it difficult to predict part lead time. Furthermore, the constraints of a legacy system and a focus on individual supply issues rather than broader strategic improvements were hindering Metso's growth and profitability. The company needed a solution that could match its complicated network and grow with its business.
Automotive Parts Supplier Launches IoT Initiative in SixWeek Sprints Powered by PTC IoT Manufacturing Solutions - PTC Industrial IoT Case Study
Automotive Parts Supplier Launches IoT Initiative in SixWeek Sprints Powered by PTC IoT Manufacturing Solutions
HIROTEC AMERICA, a part of the HIROTEC Group Companies, faced significant operational downtime issues. The machinery involved ran without condition-based monitoring, operating until a failure occurred. This reactive maintenance approach led to lost opportunities and inefficiencies. HIROTEC had been collecting industrial data from sensors and machines across customer production facilities and its own systems. However, this data was manually separated and stored across multiple sources, making it inaccessible for collective and systematic analysis. To improve quality, reduce downtime, and optimize production schedules, HIROTEC needed to implement a modern, automated solution that could gather maintenance and operational information into one source and offer actionable recommendations to its quality professionals.
Trane Customers Get Better Air and More Value with Intelligent Services - PTC Industrial IoT Case Study
Trane Customers Get Better Air and More Value with Intelligent Services
Trane, a leading provider of heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems, realized that their commercial customers were more concerned about how working with the organization helped them achieve their objectives rather than the quality of their HVAC systems. This led to a shift towards a more service-centric approach. The need for transformation arose from the scale and scope of Trane building services, with over 2,000 technicians serving Trane commercial customers worldwide. The opportunity for increased revenue from services also drove the transformation. Furthermore, the constant pressure on customers to do more with less, especially since the global recession, necessitated a shift in Trane's approach to help them cut costs, improve productivity, and optimize investments.
Strengthening traditional design expertise by improvements in 3D CAD skill - PTC Industrial IoT Case Study
Strengthening traditional design expertise by improvements in 3D CAD skill
Fujitsu Peripherals, a manufacturer with a corporate philosophy of “Making an impression through reliable technology,” was looking to enhance the utilization of the PTC 3D CAD that all designers had been working with in-house. The company believed that if 3D CAD software could be more deeply understood, allowing for greater levels of mastery, it could drastically improve operational efficiency. However, initial skill diagnostics revealed that while the designers had the expertise to accurately create 3D models, they had not mastered the tools, and thus could not create the 3D models efficiently. This led to the decision to implement a course of “training reinforcement.”
NedTrain Parts Management - PTC Industrial IoT Case Study
NedTrain Parts Management
NedTrain, a leading provider of rolling stock maintenance in the Netherlands, faced several challenges after splitting from NS, the Dutch national train operator. They were contracted by NS to maintain 2,800 units, ensuring no more than 170 were in maintenance at any one time. However, NedTrain often exceeded this limit, requiring NS to fund spare capacity. NedTrain also had to deliver the highest levels of quality and availability for the lowest lifecycle costs to attract non-NS customers. To achieve these objectives, NedTrain knew it had to reduce inventory by improving planning and forecast, improve parts availability across its network of 9 main locations, 35 service locations, and 65 warehouses, reduce harmful part cannibalization, distinguish planned from unplanned usage, and synchronize business processes.
PTC Supports Healthcare Company’s Plans for Global Growth - PTC Industrial IoT Case Study
PTC Supports Healthcare Company’s Plans for Global Growth
The customer, a global healthcare company, was looking to completely change how it organizes and manages service content. The company was facing a moment of change and realized that the task wasn’t just about modifying their documentation process. They needed to reinvent their business practices for creating, delivering, and updating service knowledge. The company had pursued an acquisitions strategy to increase its healthcare business product portfolio over the last several years. As a result, the individual teams that make up the technical authoring division often used different strategies and tools to complete assignments. With authors located around the world, this approach made it challenging to monitor projects and establish standard best practice.


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