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73 实例探究
Enhancing Technician Safety and Operational Efficiency: A Case Study on Satellites Unlimited - Samsara Industrial IoT Case Study
提高技术人员的安全和操作效率:Satellites Unlimited 案例研究
Satellites Unlimited (SUI) 是一家大型国家卫星公司的领先区域服务提供商,在构建尖端安全计划方面面临着重大挑战。该公司的安全计划主要基于技术人员和管理人员的轶事证据,这不允许他们可靠地识别安全事故的根本原因。当 SUI 发生两起灾难性车辆事故并导致工人索赔数百万美元时,这成为一个紧迫的问题。该公司意识到尾随和分心驾驶等问题,但缺乏证明这一点的方法。因此,SUI 寻求一种解决方案,能够提供公正的事实来源,了解技术人员外出时驾驶室内发生的情况。
Summit Materials: Leveraging IoT for Enhanced Safety and Sustainability - Samsara Industrial IoT Case Study
Summit Materials 是一家领先的集成建筑材料解决方案提供商,由于远程信息处理、安全和现场可视性的分散解决方案,在实现环境、社会和治理 (ESG) 目标方面面临挑战。这种权力下放导致了他们的数据和报告存在差距,阻碍了他们实现雄心勃勃的安全和可持续发展目标的进展。该公司业务遍及美国 22 个州和加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省,业务规模庞大,因此很难跟踪其目标的进展情况。他们需要一个技术合作伙伴,能够将其公路车队安全、排放和燃油消耗数据整合到一个平台中,从而提高其分布式运营的可见性。
Enhancing Operational Efficiency and Security with IoT: A Case Study on Teichert - Samsara Industrial IoT Case Study
通过物联网提高运营效率和安全性:Teichert 案例研究
Teichert 是一家总部位于加利福尼亚州的建筑和材料生产公司,由于其庞大业务的可见性有限,面临着重大挑战。该公司拥有 30 多个地点、数百辆车辆和数千名员工,因此实时了解其整个运营情况至关重要。该公司的工作严重依赖其资产和材料,因此必须确保有足够的资源可用并位于需要的地方。该公司还面临持续不断的盗窃问题,因此需要一种易于使用的摄像头解决方案来帮助他们快速调查、解决和防止未来的盗窃行为。由于缺乏高效的系统,需要花费无数的时间来查看视频片段,这既耗时又低效。
U.S. Logistics Solutions Empowers Drivers with Mobile-First Technology, Saving Time and Money - Samsara Industrial IoT Case Study
US Logistics Solutions 是一家最后一英里的物流公司,由于使用了多个互不相连的遗留系统,因此面临着重大挑战。这些系统效率低下,对其运营的可见性有限,并且缺乏针对员工的可定制性。该公司的流程主要是手动的,依赖纸质日志和报告,容易出错且耗时。从驾驶室到仓库的视野缺乏是另一个挑战。如果无法深入了解司机的表现或航站楼内发生的情况,他们的团队的培训机会就会受到限制。该公司需要先进的解决方案来提高生产力、安全性和员工体验。
Transforming Driver Workflows: A Case Study on UniGroup and Samsara - Samsara Industrial IoT Case Study
转变驾驶员工作流程:UniGroup 和 Samsara 案例研究
UniGroup 是一家价值 15 亿美元的运输合作社,由于其复杂的组织模式而面临着独特的挑战。该合作社拥有 160 多家成员机构,负责处理美国三分之一的专业搬迁事宜。这种结构要求司机在多个运营机构 (MOA) 之间切换,从而使里程和服务时间 (HOS) 的跟踪变得复杂。简化居屋管理并保持遵守联邦法规的需求至关重要。然而,该解决方案必须易于安装,并且能够根据紫光集团不断变化的需求进行创新。
Univar Solutions: Leveraging IoT for Competitive Advantage - Samsara Industrial IoT Case Study
Univar 解决方案:利用物联网获得竞争优势
Univar Solutions 是全球最大的化学品和原料分销商之一,面临着重大挑战。他们的数据分散在不同的系统中,因此很难大规模推动效率和安全性改进。这阻碍了他们的创新和敏捷性。该公司迫切需要升级其合规性解决方案,并正在寻找能够提供一系列可根据其需求扩展和发展的应用程序的技术合作伙伴。劳动力短缺和国际供应链延误等市场挑战进一步坚定了他们投资创新技术以实时捕获关键数据并采取行动的决心。
Van der Linden Enhances Driver Safety and Avoids Fines with Samsara - Samsara Industrial IoT Case Study
Van der Linden 通过 Samsara 提高驾驶员安全并避免罚款
Van der Linden 是一家拥有 125 年历史的荷兰公路运输公司,由于系统过时,面临着重大挑战。该公司专门提供专门的送货服务,一直在努力监控司机的工作时间并保持对欧盟规则的遵守。在荷兰,如果司机因驾驶时间过长而未遵守强制休息时间而被罚款,雇主需要支付双倍的罚款。由于司机的最低罚款为 220 欧元,Van der Linden 面临着因其不断增长的车队不合规而承担巨额成本的风险。该公司传统的司机使用考勤卡打卡并手动报告每月卡车数据的方法被证明效率低下且容易出错。
Charles King Company Enhances Pump Uptime with Samsara's Remote Monitoring Solutions - Samsara Industrial IoT Case Study
Charles King Company Enhances Pump Uptime with Samsara's Remote Monitoring Solutions
Charles King Company’s pumping systems are critical for emergency and planned projects in treatment plants, pump stations, and collection systems. Any downtime can result in sewage overflows, leading to regulatory fines and environmental consequences. The company needed a reliable solution to monitor pump systems 24/7 to prevent overflows and ensure system reliability. They previously used analog auto-dialers for alerts, which were limited in functionality and only provided emergency-level notifications.
Clover Dairy Uses Samsara to Optimize Fleet Management and Enhance Customer Satisfaction - Samsara Industrial IoT Case Study
Clover Dairy Uses Samsara to Optimize Fleet Management and Enhance Customer Satisfaction
Given their commitment to excellence, Clover's distribution department decided to evaluate new technologies to optimize deliveries and boost customer service. The team tested several fleet tracking solutions and chose Samsara for its accuracy and real-time updates. Paul Drake, Clover’s Distribution Manager, highlighted that Samsara was chosen because it provides updates right to the minute, unlike other companies that update every 2, 5, or 10 minutes. Samsara helps Clover respond to customer inquiries, remotely control their reefers, analyze delivery progress, and simplify maintenance. The need for real-time tracking was crucial for Clover to handle customer calls efficiently and ensure timely deliveries.
The City of Cocoa Fleet Management Division relies on Samsara to increase visibility and efficiency across their municipal fleet. - Samsara Industrial IoT Case Study
The City of Cocoa Fleet Management Division relies on Samsara to increase visibility and efficiency across their municipal fleet.
The Cocoa Fleet Team needed better visibility across the city’s 400 vehicles. They were using an offline GPS system that only provided telematics data when vehicles refueled, which was inefficient. They required scheduled reports, geofencing, real-time vehicle location, and the ability to link drivers to vehicles. The team needed a faster way to get this data and ensure that all vehicles and personnel operated efficiently and safely.
J. Polep Distribution Ensures Food Safety with Samsara’s Temperature Monitoring for Fleets - Samsara Industrial IoT Case Study
J. Polep Distribution Ensures Food Safety with Samsara’s Temperature Monitoring for Fleets
Jon Lasko, Director of Transportation, identified a significant opportunity for improvement in J. Polep's cold chain procedures. The loading dock staff was using temperature guns combined with a 2G trailer tracking application to read temperatures of their multi-temp trailers before loading food shipments. The inaccuracy of the guns and the trailer tracking solution with long-delayed reporting and off-hours alerts disturbing staff while at home were major issues. Lasko knew there had to be a better way to ensure food safety and quality.
ULC Limos Keeps Customer Service High with Samsara's Real-Time Fleet Management - Samsara Industrial IoT Case Study
ULC Limos Keeps Customer Service High with Samsara's Real-Time Fleet Management
A vehicle running out of fuel or breaking down is a costly issue for any industry, but it's a nightmare scenario for limousine companies. With such a large fleet, the whole ULC team needs to ensure their custom-designed vehicles are in tip-top shape before going out to chauffeur guests. Before finding Samsara, Jacobian and the ULC team would routinely walk from limo to limo, manually checking and recording the fuel levels and check engine lights before each shift. Jacobian knew there had to be a better way. Jacobian tried fleet management providers with complex interfaces, but needed an easy to use solution. When a friend told him about Samsara, he knew he had to try it.
Bellas Landscaping Streamlines Operations with Samsara’s Real-Time Fleet Tracking Solution - Samsara Industrial IoT Case Study
Bellas Landscaping Streamlines Operations with Samsara’s Real-Time Fleet Tracking Solution
Bellas Landscaping, a leading landscaping firm in central Illinois, faced significant challenges in managing their fleet of over 30 vehicles. The fleet, which includes dump trucks, flatbeds, and pickups, is crucial for their operations, especially during the busy seasons. The company needed a solution to improve fleet visibility, reduce idle times, and enhance overall operational efficiency. Additionally, they sought to optimize maintenance schedules and refueling processes to cut down on unnecessary costs and improve productivity.
Samsara for Food & Beverage: Schwebel’s Case Study - Samsara Industrial IoT Case Study
Samsara for Food & Beverage: Schwebel’s Case Study
One of Schwebel’s challenges was maximizing driver productivity. It was not uncommon for routes to be delayed, as drivers made unplanned detours and stops on their way to sales agencies. Because Schwebel’s drivers are paid hourly, delayed routes result in higher costs and more unpredictable customer wait times. Schwebel’s previously relied on a passive GPS solution to track drivers’ routes; however, data from that system could only be synced via WiFi, which could only happen once deliveries were complete. As a result, the distribution team only saw drivers’ routes and stops at the end of the day. It was difficult to see when drivers deviated from their routes, where they tended to go off course, and how long they were delayed. By the time the distribution team noticed deviations, routes were complete and there was no way to make up for lost time. Adam knew that it was time to invest in a more robust solution.
Blue Lightning Logistics Uses Samsara for Enhanced Fleet and Temperature Control - Samsara Industrial IoT Case Study
Blue Lightning Logistics Uses Samsara for Enhanced Fleet and Temperature Control
Blue Lightning Logistics faced significant challenges in monitoring their fleet and maintaining temperature control for their temperature-sensitive loads. The company was losing $30,000 to $50,000 annually due to rejected loads caused by temperature fluctuations and lack of real-time monitoring. Additionally, the company had no way to track the location of their trailers, leading to operational inefficiencies and increased risk of theft.
Samsara's Integrated Platform Saves Moore Food Distributors Over $250,000 After Major Accident - Samsara Industrial IoT Case Study
Samsara's Integrated Platform Saves Moore Food Distributors Over $250,000 After Major Accident
In October 2017, Moore Food Distributors faced a significant challenge when one of their trucks was involved in a major accident. The truck was traveling on the highway at 65 mph when it was struck by a car, causing it to tip over, pass through the guardrail, and fall down an embankment. This incident posed a serious risk to the company's operations and financial stability. The immediate need was to prove that their driver was not at fault to avoid potential legal and insurance complications. Additionally, Moore Food Distributors needed to ensure the safety of their fleet and compliance with the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA). The company required a robust solution to provide real-time data on vehicle location, driving behavior, and environmental conditions to enhance fleet safety and customer service.
Dohrn Transfer Company Utilizes Samsara for Fleet Management and Safety Improvements - Samsara Industrial IoT Case Study
Dohrn Transfer Company Utilizes Samsara for Fleet Management and Safety Improvements
Dohrn Transfer Company needed a solution for ELD compliance and broader business initiatives such as improving safety, reducing paperwork, optimizing maintenance, and enhancing dispatching efficiency. The company was subject to Hours of Service regulations and required a reliable system to ensure compliance. Additionally, Dohrn wanted a user-friendly and flexible platform that could integrate seamlessly with their existing operations and engage employees effectively.
Ghilotti Bros., Inc. Enhances Efficiency and Safety with Samsara's Integrated Fleet Management System - Samsara Industrial IoT Case Study
Ghilotti Bros., Inc. Enhances Efficiency and Safety with Samsara's Integrated Fleet Management System
When company leaders started looking for a new fleet management system in 2017, they knew they wanted more than GPS location tracking. Ghilotti Bros. also wanted to find an integrated solution that would help protect their 175 employees, their equipment, and their brand. The company needed a system that could provide real-time visibility into their operations, streamline maintenance processes, and enhance safety measures. With a large fleet and numerous high-value construction equipment spread across multiple job sites, tracking and maintaining these assets efficiently was a significant challenge. Additionally, ensuring the safety of their employees in one of the most dangerous occupations in the United States was a top priority.
Cardinal Plumbing Enhances Fleet Operations with Samsara Solutions - Samsara Industrial IoT Case Study
Cardinal Plumbing Enhances Fleet Operations with Samsara Solutions
Cardinal Plumbing faced the challenge of managing a growing fleet while ensuring operational efficiency and maintaining a high level of customer service. With the expansion of their services to include heating and cooling, the need for a robust fleet management solution became even more critical. The company needed a way to gain real-time visibility into their fleet operations, streamline maintenance processes, and protect their brand reputation by promoting safe driving practices among their technicians.
Simco Logistics Enhances Safety and Compliance with Samsara Solutions - Samsara Industrial IoT Case Study
Simco Logistics Enhances Safety and Compliance with Samsara Solutions
Simco Logistics, a major ice cream distributor in the Mid-Atlantic, faced challenges in improving fleet safety and complying with the FDA Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA). Despite having a fleet safety program for over 30 years, the company saw an opportunity to enhance its safety record and reduce accident-related costs. Additionally, as a distributor of temperature-sensitive goods, Simco needed to ensure compliance with FSMA regulations, which required meticulous temperature records during deliveries to prove that food was kept at safe conditions. The company sought a solution that could address both safety and compliance needs effectively.
How a nearly 100-year-old agricultural supplier uses Samsara to improve safety, efficiency and customer satisfaction. - Samsara Industrial IoT Case Study
How a nearly 100-year-old agricultural supplier uses Samsara to improve safety, efficiency and customer satisfaction.
As Armstrong Richardson looked to continue its expansion and grow as a haulier, Steve Whitehead, National Transport Manager, knew he needed to find a more reliable fleet management solution. The company’s system at that time did not deliver as promised, often capturing inaccurate tracking data and losing video footage of accidents. During his demonstration by Samsara, Steve was immediately impressed by the all-in-one platform and accuracy of real-time GPS tracking in remote locations. After trialing the platform, it was an easy decision to move forward given Samsara’s reliability, ease of use and support. Today, Armstrong Richardson uses Samsara to improve customer service, increase safety and gain new insights into its fleet.
Windy City Limousine & Bus Enhances Customer Experience and Safety with Samsara - Samsara Industrial IoT Case Study
Windy City Limousine & Bus Enhances Customer Experience and Safety with Samsara
Windy City Limousine & Bus faced significant challenges in managing their fleet and ensuring customer satisfaction. The dispatch department was overwhelmed with calls from customers inquiring about vehicle locations, especially during peak hours. The existing GPS tracking system was unreliable, leading to inefficiencies and delays in providing accurate information. Additionally, ensuring passenger safety was a top priority, but the existing safety monitoring system was reactive, relying on customer feedback and delayed video footage. The company needed a solution to provide real-time data, improve safety measures, and enhance overall operational efficiency.
Mountain Eagle Trucking Enhances Fleet Management and Compliance with Samsara Solutions - Samsara Industrial IoT Case Study
Mountain Eagle Trucking Enhances Fleet Management and Compliance with Samsara Solutions
Mountain Eagle Trucking faced several challenges in managing their fleet operations across the Canada-United States border. The company needed to ensure timely deliveries and pickups to maintain high customer satisfaction. Additionally, they had to manage the safety and compliance of their fleet, including temperature monitoring for food and beverage distribution to prevent rejected loads. The cross-border operations also required compliance with different regulations and laws in Canada and the U.S., making it essential to have accurate tracking and reporting systems in place.
Holiday Tours - Samsara Industrial IoT Case Study
Holiday Tours
Holiday Tours, a family-owned charter bus company, faced challenges in managing their fleet operations efficiently. Despite having a custom-built system for managing customer reservations, scheduling, maintenance, accounting, and HR, they lacked a way to accurately pinpoint the location of their buses. This gap in their system made it difficult to provide real-time updates to customers about bus locations, which was particularly problematic in city environments where a two-minute delay could mean a difference of 10 blocks. Additionally, their existing camera system only collected harsh driving events in large batches during the evening, limiting their ability to provide instant feedback on driver behavior and customer experience. The company also needed a more efficient way to manage maintenance, as motorcoaches require regular maintenance to deal with diesel particulates through a process called regeneration. Not performing regeneration on time could cause the vehicle to stop, posing a significant operational risk.
Collins Earthworks Enhances Fleet Management with Samsara's Integrated Solutions - Samsara Industrial IoT Case Study
Collins Earthworks Enhances Fleet Management with Samsara's Integrated Solutions
Collins Earthworks, a rapidly growing earthmoving business, faced challenges with their previous telematics system, which was insufficient for their expanding needs. The old system was primarily used to track the location of trucks, but as the company grew, they required a more comprehensive solution to enhance productivity, efficiency, and safety. The need for a better system became evident when they realized that their existing telematics could not provide the necessary insights and data to manage their fleet effectively. This led them to search for a new solution that could meet their evolving requirements and support their growth trajectory.
Impossible Foods' Use of Samsara Sensors to Ensure Food Safety and Quality - Samsara Industrial IoT Case Study
Impossible Foods' Use of Samsara Sensors to Ensure Food Safety and Quality
Impossible Foods faced the challenge of scaling its production to meet the growing demand for its plant-based meat products while maintaining high standards of food safety and product quality. As the company expanded its distribution to over 5,000 restaurants in the U.S. and around 100 in Hong Kong and Macau, it needed to ensure that its manufacturing processes could support this growth. The company required a reliable system to monitor and verify food safety, compliance, and quality control points throughout the production process. Additionally, the company needed to automate quality inspections to maintain consistency and efficiency as it prepared to enter the U.S. grocery market.
Revive Kombucha's Journey to Quality and Sustainability with Samsara - Samsara Industrial IoT Case Study
Revive Kombucha's Journey to Quality and Sustainability with Samsara
Revive Kombucha faced the challenge of scaling its production while maintaining high product quality and sustainability. With rapid growth and national distribution, the company needed to ensure consistent quality across all batches. Additionally, the risk of misprints on lot codes and labels, as well as the need for accurate fill levels, posed significant challenges. The company also aimed to operate more sustainably by monitoring real usage data, such as temperature and water flow, to manage resources efficiently.
Hanson Distillery Partners with Samsara to Automate Quality Checks for Premium Vodka Production - Samsara Industrial IoT Case Study
Hanson Distillery Partners with Samsara to Automate Quality Checks for Premium Vodka Production
The Hanson family, owners of Hanson of Sonoma, a premium craft vodka distillery, faced significant challenges in maintaining the high quality and precise packaging of their award-winning products. Their commitment to quality required rigorous quality checks, especially for label placement and fill levels, which were manually intensive and inefficient. The production process involved six labels on each bottle, with exact placement and height requirements for the cork and labels. This manual process was time-consuming and prone to errors, making it difficult to scale production efficiently without compromising on quality.
SeniorCare EMS Enhances Fleet Safety and Efficiency with Samsara Solutions - Samsara Industrial IoT Case Study
SeniorCare EMS Enhances Fleet Safety and Efficiency with Samsara Solutions
Before implementing Samsara, SeniorCare EMS faced significant challenges in monitoring and improving driver safety. They had separate vendors for dash cams, GPS tracking, and wireless data, which made it difficult to consolidate and manage data effectively. The existing dash cams couldn't remotely upload footage, making it nearly impossible to monitor driver behavior in real-time. Additionally, the GPS tracking system provided location data at intervals of 30 seconds to a minute, which was insufficient for emergency response times. The company needed a more integrated and real-time solution to ensure driver safety, reduce risky driving behaviors, and improve operational efficiency.
Liberty Oilfield Services Enhances Fleet Safety and Efficiency with Samsara - Samsara Industrial IoT Case Study
Liberty Oilfield Services Enhances Fleet Safety and Efficiency with Samsara
Liberty Oilfield Services faced significant challenges with their previous fleet management system, including GPS drift, inaccurate IFTA mileage reporting, and insufficient customer support. These issues led to wasted time and resources, particularly during inspections or audits. Additionally, Liberty needed a robust communication system for their drivers, especially during convoys, and a reliable solution to improve driver safety in hazardous environments.


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