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Demandbase > 实例探究 > Fivetran 的基于客户的营销转型与需求基础

Fivetran 的基于客户的营销转型与需求基础

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Fivetran 是一家专注于数据集成和数据管道的全球科技公司。该公司总部位于加利福尼亚州奥克兰,拥有 1000 多名员工。 Fivetran 正处于快速增长阶段,并不断寻找优化其销售和营销策略的方法。该公司一直专注于传统的需求生成策略,但决定将基于客户的营销 (ABM) 纳入其战略中,以赢得某些客户并进入高端市场。 Fivetran 的 ABM 团队由 Casey Patterson 领导,其成立是为了将销售策略付诸实践。该公司需要一种工具,能够深入了解帐户级别的每项活动,以优先且可扩展的方式向销售人员提供该信息,并帮助 ABM 团队通过帐户级别定位和报告取得成功。
Fivetran 是一家快速发展的数据集成和数据管道提供商,其销售和营销策略面临着挑战。他们一直专注于传统的需求生成策略,将入站销售线索推入漏斗的顶部。然而,为了赢得某些客户并进入高端市场,他们决定将基于客户的营销 (ABM) 添加到他们的策略中。 Fivetran 的 ABM 团队由 Casey Patterson 领导,其成立是为了将销售策略付诸实践。然而,他们很快发现了销售和营销方面的知识差距。他们缺乏对账户层面发生的情况的洞察。需求生成团队成功地引入了热门销售线索,但销售往往针对客户列表,有时基于 MQL,有时则不然。为了支持销售和营销目标,他们需要一种工具来报告客户的每一项活动,以优先且可扩展的方式向销售人员提供该信息,并让 ABM 团队通过客户级别定位和报告取得成功。
Fivetran 选择与 Demandbase 合作,并在一个月内实施了 Demandbase One ABX Cloud,集成了他们所有的营销技术和 CRM 工具。其中包括 Salesforce、Marketo、Uberflip、Drift、Bombora、Slack、Google Analytics 和 Salesloft。该解决方案是根据 Fivetran 的具体需求定制的,使他们能够自信地向销售和更广泛的营销团队推出该工具。销售团队立即接受了 Demandbase One,并开始使用它来确定客户的优先级。来自该平台的见解很快成为他们规划会议的一部分,并用于定制他们的对话,帮助他们从典型的销售人员中脱颖而出。 Demandbase One 为有关其帐户的所有数据提供了单一管理平台,使他们能够创造差异化的体验。该平台还使他们能够找到合适的目标客户,即那些参与度最高的客户。定制旅程阶段的能力是 Fivetran 的另一个关键驱动因素,使他们能够根据业务优先级调整阶段。
  • With the implementation of Demandbase One ABX Cloud, Fivetran has seen significant operational improvements. The platform has fostered true sales and marketing collaboration, with both teams able to see exactly how the other is engaging with their accounts. This has made breaking into each account a true collaboration between the go-to-market teams. The platform has also allowed for customization to meet the unique needs of each sales team member, providing them with the exact insights they need to tackle their territory. Demandbase has also served as a virtual 'sales assistant', helping the sales team understand what's happening in their territory in real time. This has been particularly beneficial for a rapidly growing company like Fivetran, where the sales team is constantly onboarding new members. The platform has also helped Fivetran differentiate themselves in a crowded market by providing insights that allow them to customize their outreach and messaging. Finally, Demandbase has helped Fivetran grow existing accounts and ward off competitive threats by highlighting contacts within an account who are exploring new use cases and signaling potential threats when reps see an account researching a competitor's solution.

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