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Fetcher > 实例探究 > GR0 的技术前沿招聘方法:案例研究

GR0 的技术前沿招聘方法:案例研究

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GR0 是一家数字广告公司,其招聘流程面临挑战。该公司的人力资源副总裁 Aaron Friedman 拥有医疗行业软件实施背景,他正在寻找创新的招聘工具来提高招聘流程的效率和效果。该公司的招聘团队由 Friedman 领导,主要使用 LinkedIn Recruiter 寻找候选人,但发现它在推广和自动化能力方面受到限制。
GR0 是一家数字广告公司,其招聘流程面临着重大挑战。该公司的人力副总裁 Aaron Friedman 和他的三人招聘团队主要依靠 LinkedIn Recruiter 来寻找主动和被动的候选人。然而,他们发现该平台在外展方面受到极大限制,因为 LinkedIn 每月仅允许每个 9,000 美元/年的招聘人员席位发送 150 个 InMail。该团队努力消除 InMail 噪音并吸引更多合格的候选人。另一个主要限制是 LinkedIn Recruiter 缺乏自动外展功能。该团队希望找到一种发送点滴营销活动的方法,而无需设置手动后续提醒的麻烦。
Aaron Friedman 通过他的 LinkedIn 网络发现了招聘自动化工具 Fetcher,并决定将其整合到 GR0 的招聘流程中。在短短四个月内,GR0 的招聘策略现在完全围绕 Fetcher 展开。该团队每天都会使用它来吸引新的和培养的候选人,甚至通过每个 Fetcher 候选人资料中提供的链接在 LinkedIn 上与候选人联系。他们能够通过创建电子邮件模板、A/B 测试电子邮件来确定哪些内容能引起候选人的共鸣,以及在搜索中添加多样性采购标准来个性化平台。Fetcher 与 GR0 当前的 ATS Lever 的集成也比他们之前与 LinkedIn 的集成要强大得多。即使 GR0 团队通过 Fetcher 的 Chrome 扩展程序自行寻找他们在 LinkedIn 上找到的候选人,也只需一秒钟即可将感兴趣的候选人转移到 Lever。
  • The adoption of Fetcher has led to significant operational improvements for GR0. The recruitment team has been able to create and send automated email sequences, which has been a game-changer according to Aaron. The integration of Fetcher with Lever, GR0's current ATS, has also improved the efficiency of the recruitment process. The team can now quickly move an interested candidate over to Lever, even when they self-source candidates they found on LinkedIn via Fetcher's Chrome extension. This tech-forward approach to recruitment has allowed GR0's recruiters to build workflows based on their priorities and goals, and focus on the overall candidate experience.
  • GR0 expanded their outreach through automated, personalized email sequences with average open rates at 98%
  • The average response rates of the email sequences were 29%
  • In the first four months with Fetcher, GR0 made five hires

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