- 平台即服务 (PaaS) - 应用开发平台
- 库存管理
- 时间敏感网络
- 系统集成
Intrum 是一家市场领先的信用管理服务公司,帮助客户获得其销售的商品和服务的报酬,并帮助个人摆脱债务。 Intrum 在 25 个国家设有办事处,为 80,000 家公司提供支持,每天与 250,000 名负债者保持联系。该公司致力于可持续发展,并正在寻找一种解决方案来更高效地管理其可持续发展数据。 Intrum 在 Worldfavor 可持续发展管理解决方案上拥有大约 100 名活跃用户,其中包括负责协调 Worldfavor 数据收集的每个国家单位的指定员工、需要报告特定数据和回答问题的同事以及负责协调数据收集的每个国家单位的总经理。签署数据收集。
Intrum 是一家领先的信用管理服务公司,在管理其可持续发展数据的手动且耗时的过程中遇到了困难。该公司使用 Excel 表格收集和分析当地单位的社会和环境数据。这个过程不仅是劳动密集型的,而且还使得跟踪最新数据更新和查找特定任务的相关信息变得困难。该公司希望自动化数据收集中最耗时的部分,获得数据的良好概览,并轻松比较历史数据和本地办事处之间的数据。对于 Intrum 来说,让其当地办事处能够使用可持续发展数据来为决策提供信息、跟踪进度并与集团内的其他实体进行比较也很重要。
Intrum 实施了 Worldfavor 的可持续发展管理解决方案来管理其可持续发展数据。该平台将数据收集过程数字化,使员工更容易检索和概览数据。与数据收集相关的问题可在 Worldfavor 中直接得到解答,从而简化了 Intrum 当地办事处之间的沟通。该平台还允许员工了解数据概览,无论其身在何处,从而提高 Intrum 可持续发展工作的透明度。每个当地办事处都可以比较其绩效,确定优势,向其他办事处学习,并查明需要改进的领域。该平台的易用性增强了同事之间的协作,并可以更频繁地报告可持续发展情况,从而更好地了解公司的可持续发展工作和进展。
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Case Study
Hospital Inventory Management
The hospital supply chain team is responsible for ensuring that the right medical supplies are readily available to clinicians when and where needed, and to do so in the most efficient manner possible. However, many of the systems and processes in use at the cancer center for supply chain management were not best suited to support these goals. Barcoding technology, a commonly used method for inventory management of medical supplies, is labor intensive, time consuming, does not provide real-time visibility into inventory levels and can be prone to error. Consequently, the lack of accurate and real-time visibility into inventory levels across multiple supply rooms in multiple hospital facilities creates additional inefficiency in the system causing over-ordering, hoarding, and wasted supplies. Other sources of waste and cost were also identified as candidates for improvement. Existing systems and processes did not provide adequate security for high-cost inventory within the hospital, which was another driver of cost. A lack of visibility into expiration dates for supplies resulted in supplies being wasted due to past expiry dates. Storage of supplies was also a key consideration given the location of the cancer center’s facilities in a dense urban setting, where space is always at a premium. In order to address the challenges outlined above, the hospital sought a solution that would provide real-time inventory information with high levels of accuracy, reduce the level of manual effort required and enable data driven decision making to ensure that the right supplies were readily available to clinicians in the right location at the right time.
Case Study
Hardware Retailer Uses Data Warehouse to Track Inventory
Ace tracked which products retailers ordered, when they were ordered and shipped. However, the company could not track or forecast actual sales. Data used for reporting was up to a one-week old, owing to performance and data cleansing issues. Requirement to integrate wholesale and inventory data with POS data to help drive key business decisions, improve category management, lower inventory costs and optimize pricing. Reliance on custom coding to integrate POS data was excessively resource intensive and led to major performance constraints.
Case Study
Remake Enterprise-to-production System
The client was running a legacy material flow tracking system and wanted to replace the system with a more effective one as the system was increasingly expensive to maintain and support and also was not extendable. The client's IT landscape was filled with modern applications and it was difficult to interface the material flow tracking system with modern applications.