Large Corporate
- America
- United States
- DocuWare
- Canon Image Runner scanner
- AS400 system
- Enterprise-wide Deployment
- Productivity Improvements
- Customer Satisfaction
- Cost Savings
- 应用基础设施与中间件 - 数据交换与集成
- 离散制造
- 销售与市场营销
- 库存管理
- 供应链可见性(SCV)
- 系统集成
- 软件设计与工程服务
Corsicana Bedding, Inc. 成立于 1971 年,是一家全国性的床垫制造商,在全国拥有三家大型生产工厂和两家配送中心。该公司拥有 450 多名员工,产品分销到全国 4,000 多家零售中心。除了生产产品外,Corsicana 还拥有自己的司机车队,负责将床垫运送到全国各地的零售中心。司机每次送货都会收到一张纸质发票。交货后,客户签署发票以接受货物并向司机付款。作为一家“货到付款”(COD) 公司,司机关于标记为短运或损坏的物品的手写记录对于解决付款问题至关重要。该文件是 Corsicana 的“交货证明”,也是根据交付货物的数量和状况解决付款纠纷的关键文件。
Corsicana Bedding, Inc. 是一家全国性床垫制造商,在管理其文件和现金流方面面临挑战。对于每次发货,公司都会开具发票,作为发货证明文件。由于每天发货超过 350 次,公司希望投资一个系统来收集所有地点的信息,并立即提供给公司办公室。公司面临的情况是,信息需要很长时间才能返回公司会计部门,以便更新和核对客户帐户信息。此外,对客户问题的答复也被延迟,直到收到信息为止。业务关键文件由来自不同地点的多个人员发送。这对公司办公室的客户服务人员来说是一个巨大的挑战,通常很难迅速调查和解决争议。这反过来又导致那些只想得到答案的客户感到不满。
经授权的 DocuWare 合作伙伴 Imagetek Office Systems 实施了公司的 DocuWare 解决方案。每个地点都使用 Canon Image Runner 扫描仪扫描并通过电子邮件将签名的客户发票和其他会计信息直接发送到公司办公室。信息被发送到其服务器上的“监视”文件夹,使用发票号作为匹配码,从公司的 AS400 系统中提取数据,按客户名称、订单号和日期对文档的其余字段进行索引。所有会计信息都存储在电子文件柜中。所有被授予访问此信息权限的员工都可以使用此电子文件柜或文档池。文件柜能够存储任何文件类型,无论是收到的电子邮件、PC 生成的文件、收到的传真、扫描的纸张,甚至是主机日期。一旦此信息进入中央文档池,一次搜索就可以找到与业务流程相关的所有文档。
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Case Study
Remote Temperature Monitoring of Perishable Goods Saves Money
RMONI was facing temperature monitoring challenges in a cold chain business. A cold chain must be established and maintained to ensure goods have been properly refrigerated during every step of the process, making temperature monitoring a critical business function. Manual registration practice can be very costly, labor intensive and prone to mistakes.

Case Study
Hospital Inventory Management
The hospital supply chain team is responsible for ensuring that the right medical supplies are readily available to clinicians when and where needed, and to do so in the most efficient manner possible. However, many of the systems and processes in use at the cancer center for supply chain management were not best suited to support these goals. Barcoding technology, a commonly used method for inventory management of medical supplies, is labor intensive, time consuming, does not provide real-time visibility into inventory levels and can be prone to error. Consequently, the lack of accurate and real-time visibility into inventory levels across multiple supply rooms in multiple hospital facilities creates additional inefficiency in the system causing over-ordering, hoarding, and wasted supplies. Other sources of waste and cost were also identified as candidates for improvement. Existing systems and processes did not provide adequate security for high-cost inventory within the hospital, which was another driver of cost. A lack of visibility into expiration dates for supplies resulted in supplies being wasted due to past expiry dates. Storage of supplies was also a key consideration given the location of the cancer center’s facilities in a dense urban setting, where space is always at a premium. In order to address the challenges outlined above, the hospital sought a solution that would provide real-time inventory information with high levels of accuracy, reduce the level of manual effort required and enable data driven decision making to ensure that the right supplies were readily available to clinicians in the right location at the right time.