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Bentley > 实例探究 > 使用 OpenTower® 优化工作流程和利润:Tower Engineering Professionals, Inc. 的案例研究

使用 OpenTower® 优化工作流程和利润:Tower Engineering Professionals, Inc. 的案例研究

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  • 网络与连接 - 5G
  • 设备与机械
  • 电信
  • 产品研发
  • 质量保证
  • 结构健康监测
  • 时间敏感网络
  • 测试与认证
Tower Engineering Professionals, Inc. (TEP) 是电信行业的领先公司。随着 4G 的进步和 5G 网络的建设,TEP 一直走在行业的前沿,处理向成本分摊的转变并优化主要运营商和铁塔所有者之间的合同。由于行业的性质和 5G 预期的爆炸式增长,TEP 需要不断地对各种类型的线路修改进行建模和分析。他们还处理分析周期中请求的负载案例和负载场景的增加。 TEP 致力于为客户提供最准确、最高效的服务,因此,他们一直在寻找简化工作流程和改进流程的方法。
5G 的推出导致电信行业转向成本分摊,优化主要运营商和铁塔所有者之间的合同。这导致分析周期内对载荷工况和载荷场景的请求增加,需要评估四到五个载荷组合,以便向客户和承运人提供成本反馈。业界还发现,多个承运商在同一结构上共存的情况有所增加,导致负载变化激增。此外,许多业主和运营商正在主动分析塔架以适应最新的规范修订,无论司法管辖区采用的 IBC 标准版本如何。这可能既耗时又麻烦,尤其是当有多个场景需要评估时。如果需要单独更新和建模多个文件以捕获所有可能的载荷组合,则数据的可靠性也较差,并且容易出错。
Tower Engineering Professionals, Inc. (TEP) 利用 OpenTower 来简化其工作流程。 OpenTower 中的内置 UPT/自定义数据库加快了他们经常遇到的自定义修改形状的速度。 OpenTower 中的形状创建工具极大地减少了在此工作流程上花费的时间。 TEP 还赞赏 OpenTower 的文件树和场景分析工具。通过在一个文件中设置所有场景,该模型可以用作站点前进的基础。这消除了多个文件的使用以及每个文件中的多次更改,从而节省了时间并消除了返工的需要。 OpenTower 的场景工具还帮助 TEP 轻松跟踪每个站点所需的多个场景,从而为 QA/审核流程节省大量时间。 OpenTower 还在分析设计与安装的修改层方面提供了巨大的灵活性,使公司能够在一个模型中捕获明显影响塔容量的承包商变更。
  • The use of OpenTower has resulted in significant operational benefits for TEP. The software has streamlined their workflows, reducing the time spent on drawing shapes and inputting properties into the software. The file tree and scenario analysis tool in OpenTower has also eliminated the need for multiple files and changes within each of those files, saving time and reducing the potential for errors. The scenario tools have also made it easier for TEP to keep track of the multiple scenarios they need for each site, greatly aiding the reviewers and resulting in significant time savings for the QA/review process. Additionally, OpenTower’s flexibility in analyzing designed vs. installed modification layers has enabled TEP to clearly capture contractor changes that affect tower capacity in one single model. This has improved the accuracy of their data and enhanced their service delivery to clients.
  • TEP believes it could save 30 to 60 minutes per applicable site depending on the loading and modifications.
  • For sites that are analyzed repeatedly, there is approximately a 20% savings in time.
  • Users can draw the same shapes in two to three minutes, when it might take 10 to 12 minutes to draw several shapes using competing software applications.

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