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Gem > 实例探究 > Prestige Care 利用 Gem 实现 9 倍投资回报,第一年就聘用了 8 名董事

Prestige Care 利用 Gem 实现 9 倍投资回报,第一年就聘用了 8 名董事

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  • 应用基础设施与中间件 - 数据库管理和存储
  • 基础设施即服务 (IaaS) - 云数据库
  • 建筑物
  • 医疗保健和医院
  • 时间敏感网络
  • 资产跟踪
Prestige Care 是一家家族拥有和经营的组织,成立于 1985 年。它是老年生活、熟练护理和康复护理领域的领导者,在美国西部拥有超过 75 个社区。该组织的关怀理念植根于诚信、尊重、承诺和信任的核心价值观。 Prestige Care 旨在成为居民和患者的“积极老龄化合作伙伴”,帮助他们在生活的各个方面体验最佳的健康水平。该组织的服务范围从传统的熟练护理到急性期后期和辅助生活护理。 Prestige Care 拥有 5,000 多名员工。
Prestige Care 是老年生活、专业护理和康复护理领域的领导者,在人才获取和招聘方面面临多项挑战。该组织缺乏电子邮件自动化解决方案,这使得管理和跟踪与潜在雇员的沟通变得困难。他们对信息传递的有效性知之甚少,因此很难优化外展工作。Prestige Care 还难以跟踪那些尚未准备好或尚未感兴趣但可能会考虑在未来加入该组织的被动人才。由于缺乏人才渠道,当职位空缺时很难迅速填补。此外,该组织严重依赖代理机构来招聘领导层人员,这是一笔不小的开支。
Prestige Care 实施了 Gem,该解决方案允许招聘人员制定整个外展活动,包括设置后就忘掉的后续活动,从而提高响应率。Gem 还使团队能够跟踪打开/点击/响应率并查看消息内容的参与度,使他们能够根据收件人行为调整外展活动。该解决方案还允许招聘人员将被动候选人转移到 Gem 中的项目中,创建他们已经审查过的专业人员的数据库。这大大缩短了新职位开放时的招聘时间。在使用 Gem 的第一年,Prestige Care 招聘了 8 个主管级职位,节省了超过 12.5 万美元的代理费。Gem 的实施为 Prestige Care 带来了超过 1000% 的投资回报率。
  • The implementation of Gem has had significant operational benefits for Prestige Care. The solution has allowed the organization to create a database of vetted, passive talent, significantly reducing time-to-hire. This has been particularly beneficial in an industry with high turnover, where urgency is crucial. Gem's automation features have also reduced the anxiety associated with outreach, allowing the team to work with urgency without the stress. Furthermore, Gem has helped Prestige Care increase its brand awareness and grow its employer brand. The solution has enabled the organization to personalize communications and tell the stories of its 'salt-of-the-earth' team, creating meaningful rapport with potential hires. This has not only helped attract great talent but also positively impacted the lives of Prestige Care's residents through high-quality healthcare providers.
  • In the first year of using Gem, Prestige Care hired 8 director-level roles, saving over $125k in agency fees.
  • Blake, who oversees Talent Acquisition and Recruiting at Prestige Care, increased the number of inbound applications by 22% in his first year.
  • In his first two years, Blake decreased time-to-fill by 38% and external agency spend by 44%, saving the company over $3M.

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