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BlueFolder > 实例探究 > Pronto Gym Services:利用 BlueFolder 加强沟通和资产管理

Pronto Gym Services:利用 BlueFolder 加强沟通和资产管理

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  • 功能应用 - 计算机化维护管理系统 (CMMS)
  • 功能应用 - 企业资产管理系统 (EAM)
  • 设备与机械
  • 电信
  • 维护
  • 采购
  • 资产生命周期管理
  • 资产跟踪
Pronto Gym Services 是一家健身器材维修公司,由公司总裁 Ron McDonnel 于 2011 年创立。该公司为酒店、企业、学校和住宅社区等商业客户提供健身和健身器材的维护和维修服务。维护合同约占公司业务的75%。 Pronto Gym 自成立以来一直持续增长,年收入达到近 100 万美元,这主要归功于其忠实的客户群。该公司以其清晰、及时的沟通以及根据客户需求制定和管理设备维护计划的能力而闻名。
Pronto Gym Services 是一家健身器材维修公司,在与客户保持有效沟通方面面临着重大挑战。该公司的技术人员虽然擅长修理复杂的健身器材,但经常在与客户沟通方面遇到困难,导致缺乏透明度,这可能会损害公司的声誉。此外,Pronto Gym 需要一个强大的资产管理工具。该公司必须维护数百种不同类型的设备,并为技术人员提供基于序列号的文档和规格的访问权限。公司总裁 Ron McDonnel 寻求一种能够简化通信和资产管理的解决方案,使技术人员能够专注于其核心能力,同时确保客户收到所需的更新。
Pronto Gym 在 BlueFolder 的健身器材服务软件中找到了解决方案。 BlueFolder 促进了主动沟通和明确的后续行动,使 Pronto Gym 从竞争对手中脱颖而出。该软件允许用户设置工单模板,技术人员可以在其中填写详细信息,从而轻松地让客户了解已完成的工作、调查结果和任何安全风险。 BlueFolder 还提供合同管理警报,在合同即将到期时通知 Pronto Gym,确保设备维护顺利进行。该软件易于使用且可定制,使公司能够跟踪不同的数据点,例如连接互联网的健身设备的 IP 地址。 BlueFolder 的重复工作订单使预防性维护计划保持在正轨上,其附件还简化了保修工作和记录保存。
  • The implementation of BlueFolder’s gym equipment service software has had significant operational benefits for Pronto Gym. The software has enabled the company to provide consistent, clear communication to its customers, enhancing customer satisfaction and loyalty. The use of work order templates has simplified the process of informing customers about the work done, findings, and any safety risks, while contract management alerts have ensured a smooth continuation of equipment maintenance. The software's user-friendly and customizable interface has made it easy for the company to track different data points, improving asset management. The recurring work orders feature has kept preventative maintenance schedules on track, and the attachments feature has simplified warranty work and record-keeping. Overall, BlueFolder has played a crucial role in helping Pronto Gym win and retain happy customers.
  • Pronto Gym has grown consistently since 2011 to almost $1 million a year in revenue.
  • Pronto Gym has been able to turn estimates for additional work around in 24 to 48 hours, increasing follow-on business.
  • Pronto Gym has saved administrative costs with BlueFolder’s capacity for uploading customer groups and assets lists with no manual typing.

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