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Integrify > 实例探究 > 简化 IT 运营:Acklands-Grainger 案例研究

简化 IT 运营:Acklands-Grainger 案例研究

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  • 网络安全和隐私 - 安全合规
  • 设备与机械
  • 维护
  • 质量保证
  • 库存管理
  • 租赁金融自动化
  • 系统集成
Acklands-Grainger (AGI) 是加拿大最大的 MRO(维护、修理、运营)产品分销商。该公司成立于 1889 年,通过多次收购不断发展壮大,目前在加拿大各地拥有 160 多家分支机构。 1996年,AGI被美国最大的工业分销商WW Grainger收购。如今,AGI 年销售额超过 6 亿美元,每年通过五个区域仓库向 70,000 多名客户配送 60,000 多种库存商品。该公司拥有 2,000 名员工,总部位于安大略省列治文山。
Acklands-Grainger (AGI) 是加拿大最大的 MRO(维护、修理、运营)产品分销商,其 IT 请求表系统面临着重大挑战。作为一家拥有 2,000 名员工、每年向 70,000 多名客户分发 60,000 多种库存商品的公司,AGI 已经无法满足其电子邮件驱动的 IT 请求表系统的需求。该系统位于网络服务器上的公共文件夹中,事实证明难以管理,并且缺乏处理和满足设备请求、帐户设置和服务请求的可追踪方法。该公司需要将 IT 部门中电子邮件驱动的请求管理和变更管理系统替换为提供电子审批的自动化系统和具有内置工作流程的实时跟踪系统。此外,AGI 需要一种方法来跟踪和归档遵守 Sarbanes-Oxley 法规所需的数据。
在评估多个系统后,AGI 的 IT 团队发现企业请求管理 (ERM) 系统 Integrify 为他们的挑战提供了最佳解决方案。 Integrify 允许公司自动化请求并简化流程,为负责处理请求的人员提供表单创建、路由定义和跟踪工具。这最大限度地减少了数据输入并简化了批准和履行的请求。 Integrify 基于网络,允许用户轻松访问和管理业务流程。它消除了与人工纸张处理和电子邮件请求等劳动密集型流程相关的问题,并且与纸质流程相比,每笔交易的成本可降低 60% 至 90%。 Integrify 系统还允许公司实施、监控和控制需要授权的流程和政策,作为《萨班斯-奥克斯利法案》中内部控制合规要求的一部分。该公司 160 个分支机构的 200 多名员工是该系统的指定用户,处理八种不同的请求类型,每月处理多达 150 个单独的请求。
  • The implementation of Integrify has significantly improved the efficiency of AGI's IT department. While the number of requests has remained more or less the same post-Integrify as compared to before the implementation, AGI’s IT team is finding it much easier to fulfill and track the progress of each request. Requests are being processed much faster because their progress is so visible to all users of the system. The original request management system was designed to be used only by managers within the organization. Now, anyone in the company can submit and route it to a manager for approval. A key criterion in choosing the request management system was finding a solution that directly addressed compliance issues. Integrify has a built-in capability that offers reporting and analytics that simplify SOX compliance. The greatest return AGI has recognized is the increased speed with which requests are processed, as well as increased efficiency and accuracy, which has allowed its employees to focus more time on serving the company’s customer base rather than worrying about technical glitches.
  • The Integrify system reduced costs per transaction by 60 to 90 percent as compared to paper-based processes.
  • More than 200 employees at the company’s 160 branches are designated users of the system.
  • Eight different request types are currently handled with Integrify and up to 150 individual requests are processed each month.

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