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Dynatrace > 实例探究 > 加强智能家居创新:Vivint 凭借 Dynatrace 取得成功

加强智能家居创新:Vivint 凭借 Dynatrace 取得成功

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  • 维护
  • 产品研发
  • 租赁金融自动化
  • 时间敏感网络
Vivint 是一家优先考虑客户体验的智能家居和自动化公司。他们的目标是通过自动化帮助家庭过上更安全、更美好的生活。 Vivint 拥有 190 万客户和 11,000 名员工,其技术已紧密融入数百万人的生活。
Vivint 需要加快创新速度,在不影响客户体验的情况下更快地将新功能推向市场。他们的监控解决方案无法提供了解客户交互和确定需要改进的领域所需的深度可见性。
Vivint 将 Dynatrace 实施为更加自动化和智能的解决方案,以增强其技术和软件生态系统的可观察性。 Dynatrace 的全栈可观察性和先进的自动化使 Vivint 能够自信地进行创新并快速解决可能影响客户体验的任何问题。
  • The implementation of Dynatrace has transformed Vivint's operations. The company can now innovate faster and with greater confidence, thanks to full stack observability and advanced automation. The real-time visibility from the code level to the end user allows teams to see the impact of their changes immediately and act quickly if problems arise, thereby protecting the customer experience. The precise answers from Dynatrace have changed the way Vivint’s teams work, shifting their focus from firefighting issues to proactively optimizing software. This has not only improved productivity but also led to the development of better products, helping Vivint stay ahead in the market. The developer experience has also seen a significant benefit, as teams have better insights into how their code is functioning as they’re producing it. This has resulted in increased developer productivity and satisfaction, and a corresponding increase in customer satisfaction.
  • Teams spend 90% of their time on proactive optimization, reducing time spent on firefighting issues.
  • The shift to proactive optimization has resulted in a 2x increase in the amount of innovation that Vivint’s engineering teams can deliver each month.
  • Vivint has recorded a corresponding increase in customer satisfaction of around 15%.

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