Areas of Focus
- 发展心理学
- 心理测量
Work Experience
- 2015.5至今 - 杭州师范大学 - 教授
- 2004.4-2015.5 - 浙江师范大学 - 教授
- 2000.12-2004.4 - 浙江大学 - 教授
- 1993.12-2000.12 - 浙江大学(杭州大学) - 副教授
- 1990.12-1993.12 - 杭州大学 - 讲师
- 1987.7-1990.12 - 杭州大学 - 助教
Academic Background & Achievements
- 1984.9-1987.6 发展与教育心理学硕士学位:杭州大学
- 1980.9-1984.6 心理学学士学位:杭州大学
- 主持6项国家级课题和14项国际合作及省部级课题
- 在国内外发表近200篇论文,其中近百篇被SSCI/SCI收录
- 获得9项省部级科研成果奖,包括浙江省哲学社会科学优秀成果一等奖
- Age-Related Differences in Implicit and Explicit Racial Biases in Cameroonians, Qian, M; Heyman, GD; Quinn, PC; Messi, FA; Fu, G; Lee, K, 2021
- The moral barrier effect: Real and imagined barriers can reduce cheating, Zhao, L; Zheng, Y; Compton, B. J; Qin, W; Zheng, J; Fu, G; Lee, K; Heyman, G.D, 2020
- A Long-Term Effect of Perceptual Individuation Training on Reducing Implicit Racial Bias in Preschool Children, Qian, Miao K; Quinn, Paul C; Heyman, Gail D; Pascalis, Olivier; Fu, Genyue; Lee, Kang, 2019
- Differential Developmental Courses of Implicit and Explicit Biases for Different Other-Race Classes, Qian, Miao K; Heyman, Gail D; Quinn, Paul C; Fu, Genyue; Lee, Kang, 2019
- Using Polygraph to Detect Passengers Carrying Illegal Items, Yu, RX; Wu, SJ; Huang, A; Gold, N; Huang, HX; Fu, GY; Lee, K, 2019
- Young children's self-benefiting lies and their relation to executive functioning and theory of mind, Fu, G; Sai, LY; Yuan, F; Lee, K, 2018
- Perceptual individuation training (but not mere exposure) reduces implicit racial bias in preschool children, Qian, M; Quinn, P; Heyman, G; Pascalis, O; Fu, G; Lee, K, 2017
- Learning to be Unsung Heroes: Development of Reputation Management in Two Cultures, Fu, G; Heyman, G.D; Lee, K, 2016
- Novel, ERP-based, concealed information detection: Combining recognition-based and feedback-evoked ERP, Liyang Sai, Xiaohong Lin, J.Peter Rosenfeld, Biao Sang, Xiaoqing Hu, Genyue Fu, 2016
- Theory-of-Mind Training Causes Honest Young Children to Lie, Ding, X. P; Wellman, H. M; Wang, Y; Fu, G; Lee, K, 2015
- 幼儿友好型内隐联想测验的建构及有效性研究, 钱淼,周立霞,鲁甜甜,翁梦星,傅根跃, 2015
- 浙江省哲学社会科学优秀成果奖,三等奖 (2017): 学习成为无名英雄:两种文化中的声誉管理发展
- 入选国务院特贴专家 (2016)
- 浙江省哲学社会科学优秀成果奖,一等奖 (2015): 儿童道德评价及其与二级心理理论的关系
- 浙江省哲学社会科学优秀成果奖,二等奖 (2011): 中国儿童对说谎说真话的道德评价