Areas of Focus
- 发展心理学
- 儿童青少年心理发展
- 教育心理学
- 心理与教育评量
- 教育行政
- 人力资源管理
- 性别研究
Work Experience
- 现任 - 苏州大学 - 教授和博士生导师
- 曾任 - 华东师范大学 - 教授
- 曾任 - 树德科技大学 - 通识教育学院院长
- 曾任 - 美国NILIE - 研究员
Academic Background & Achievements
- 教育心理与行政管理心理学博士: 北卡罗莱纳州立大学
- 成人与高等教育硕士: 密苏里大学哥伦比亚分校
- 出版超过15部学术著作,发表超过80篇期刊论文
- The intergenerational transmission of gender roles: Evidence from parents and children in single-parent families, Wang, L. L., Chen, I-J., Yang, M. P., Shi, Y., & Song, Y. P., 2024
- The influence of the parental child-rearing gender-role attitude on children’s social adjustment in single-and two-parent families: the mediating role of intergenerational identity, Chen, I. J., Wang, Y., Sun, Z., Song, Y., Wang, L., & Yang, M., 2023
- Early maladaptive schemas and the risk of nonsuicidal self-injury in college students: A retrospective study, Shi, Y., Song, Y., Wang, L., Liu, J., & Chen, I. J., 2023
- A study of the mechanism for intergenerational transmission of gender roles in single-parent families, Chen, I. J., & Chen, Z., 2023
- The influence of the early maladaptive schemas on social adaptation: the mediation effect of gender traits, Chen, I. J., Qi, H., & Sun, Z., 2023
- The development of gender roles: From two-parent families to single-parent families with one gender role missing, Chen, I. J., Tang, P., & Saba, P., 2023
- Effects of animated movies on the aggression and behavior performance of primary school students and their control using a cognitive behavioral anger-control training (CBACT) program, Saba, P., Qi, H., Saleem, A., Chen, I. J., Kausar, F. N., & Iqbal, M. F., 2023
- Comparison of intergenerational transmission of gender roles between single-parent families and two-parent families: The influence of parental child-rearing gender-role attitudes, Yang, M., Chen, I. J., Song, Y., & Wang, X., 2021
- 抱怨行为的形成机制:基于质性访谈, 陈羿君,吴玉,汪李玲 宋云萍, 2022
- 理性情绪教育对改善初中生学业情绪的成效研究, 陈羿君, 杨梦萍, 吕京京, 赵伟伟, 2020
- 认知行为改变策略对学习困难儿童社交焦虑的干预, 陈羿君, 刘培洁, 宋云萍, 2020
- 高校教师教学领导力之师生认知的对比研究