Areas of Focus
- 视觉感知
- 认知模型
- 决策
- Chinese holistic processing: Evidence from cognitive mental architecture using Systems Factorial Technology, Zhang, H., Garrett, P. M., Houpt, J.W., Lin, P-Y., Yang, C-T., 2023
- Visual word processing efficiency for Chinese characters and English words, Zhang, H., Garrett, P. M., Lin, P-Y., Houpt, J.W., Yang, C-T., 2023
- Using systems factorial technology to investigate collective benefit in group decision-making, Zhu, P-F., Zhang, H., Hsieh, C., and Yang, C-T., 2023
- Hip Fracture or Not? The Reversed Prevalence Effect Among Non-experts Diagnosis, Zhang, H*, Hung, S-W.*, Ku, J-W., Tseng, P., Lu, Y-H., Yang, C-T., 2023
- Truth-telling in a sender-receiver game: social value orientation and incentives, Zhang, H., Moisan, F., Aggarwal., P. and Gonzalez. C., 2022
- Rock-Paper-Scissors Play: Beyond the Win-Stay/Lose-Change Strategy, Zhang, H., Moisan, F. and Gonzalez. C., 2021
- Exaggerated prevalence effect with the explicit prevalence information: the description-experience gap in visual search, Zhang, H. and Houpt, J.W., 2020
- Establishing reference scales for scene naturalness and openness, Zhang, H., Houpt, J. W., and Harel, A., 2019
- Women of MathPsych Networking Award (2018): 详细信息未提供
- Graduate School Student Excellent Award (WSU) (2018): 详细信息未提供
- Medical Image Perception Society Scholarship (2017): 详细信息未提供
- Graduate Student Assembly Professional Development Grant (WSU) (2017): 详细信息未提供
- Student Author Presentation Support Award (Human Factors and Ergonomics Society) (2016): 详细信息未提供
- Best Student Paper of Human Performance Modeling Group (Human Factors and Ergonomics Society) (2016): 详细信息未提供
- Society for Mathematical Psychology Student Travel Award (2016): 详细信息未提供