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72 实例探究
Celigo’s Solutions Enable Catalyst IT to Streamline Lights4Fun's Complex Integration Challenges - Celigo Industrial IoT Case Study
Celigo 的解决方案使 Catalyst IT 能够简化 Lights4Fun 的复杂集成挑战
Lights4Fun 是一家销售装饰灯的家族企业,它正在努力应对跨不同系统运营的挑战,以服务和协调 14 个在线市场的订单履行。该公司使用不同的履行和第三方物流公司来处理美国、英国和德国仓库的库存。由于团队缺乏对彼此活动的了解,现有的设置导致了挫败感。销售部门正在销售缺货的商品,但不知道何时会补货,因此需要维护七个不同的电子表格。该公司还不确定他们的 3PL 是否正在与不同的网站和市场进行通信。随着公司的发展,由于在手动流程上花费了时间和资源,他们错失了关键机会。为了支持他们成为可扩展和高增长企业的愿望,他们需要找到更好的替代方案来替代昂贵且耗时的手动工作。
LogMeIn Streamlines Operations and Enhances Compliance with Celigo - Celigo Industrial IoT Case Study
LogMeIn 简化运营并增强与 Celigo 的合规性
LogMeIn 是一家领先的 SaaS 公司,在扩张成为全球最大的 SaaS 公司之一的过程中面临着多项挑战。该公司必须管理十几家子公司,拥有多个不同货币的银行账户,这导致其数据缺乏可见性。为了每天为数千张发票申请客户付款,LogMeIn 依靠每周上传 CSV,这是一个手动且耗时的过程。此外,当该公司将其墨西哥和巴西子公司从传统 ERP 迁移到 NetSuite 时,它遇到了向地方政府登记发票的独特监管要求。最后,LogMeIn 寻求根据 Salesforce 和 NetSuite 中的信息实现收款自动化,以有效跟踪面临不付款风险的客户。
Loot Crate Streamlines Order Process with IoT Integration - Celigo Industrial IoT Case Study
Loot Crate 通过物联网集成简化订单流程
Loot Crate 是一项订阅盒服务,在管理其 Loot Vault 和 Sports Vault 网站上每天收到的大量在线订单方面面临着重大挑战。通常一天的订单数量可能在 200 至 1,000 份之间,在假期期间可能会激增至近 7,000 份。该公司在电子商务店面、订单管理系统和仓库管理系统之间手动传输订单和履行信息。这个过程不仅耗时,而且容易出现错误和不一致,导致订单履行延迟。在假日购物季,情况尤其严峻。该公司意识到,随着公司的发展,手动和临时流程是不可持续的。他们需要一个自动化解决方案,能够无缝集成其电子商务平台 Shopify Plus、订单管理系统 NetSuite ERP 以及新的仓库管理系统 Snapfulfill。
Miansai Streamlines Operations and Enhances Customer Satisfaction with Celigo Integration - Celigo Industrial IoT Case Study
棉赛通过 Celigo 集成简化运营并提高客户满意度
全球配件品牌棉赛面临着运营挑战,因为其用于管理、跟踪、开具发票和发货订单的多个系统之间缺乏集成。这导致了大量的手工工作,这在他们主要进行批发销售时是可以管理的。然而,随着零售百货商店的衰落,棉塞将业务运营转向通过自己的零售店和网站支持更多直接面向消费者的销售。这种转变使得手动流程变得不可持续。主要挑战是将新的企业电子商务平台 Shopify Plus 与现有系统(用于订单履行的 NetSuite 和用于销售点 (POS) 的 Square)集成。他们还计划合并 Returnly 来管理退货。集成解决方案需要易于使用、适应性强、可扩展且基于云,以满足不断变化的业务需求。
MOTIS Brands' Growth and Process Automation with Celigo - Celigo Industrial IoT Case Study
MOTIS 品牌与 Celigo 的发展和流程自动化
MOTIS Brands 是装载、拖运和无障碍行业的领导者,最初是 eBay 上的一家小型坡道销售商,后来迅速扩展到通过各种渠道提供其他产品。随着快速增长,公司开始收购更多品牌,旨在标准化运营,提高效率并实现规模化。随着 MOTIS 增加产品种类并扩展到亚马逊和沃尔玛等新渠道,不断增长的交易量变得越来越难以管理,尤其是在运营团队规模较小的情况下。产品、订单、库存和定价信息必须手动从一个系统上传到另一个系统,从而导致在低价值工作和手动流程的错误纠正上花费大量时间。该公司在尝试利用亚马逊的非托管解决方案时还面临维护问题,特别是在分类法未更新的情况下。
A Smart 3PL Connector for IslandSurf - Celigo Industrial IoT Case Study
A Smart 3PL Connector for IslandSurf
IslandSurf had selected NetSuite as its software platform and knew that they could not implement NetSuite without a solid 3PL solution. They required a solution that would automate their 3rd party warehouse processes to better serve their customers and be more efficient. As it was, IslandSurf spent much time and energy manually flagging orders that needed to be sent to AtLast Fulfillment, exporting just those orders, canceling any items on the order that shouldn’t be fulfilled at AtLast Fulfillment, and tracking and manually updating the sales orders once they were fulfilled.
Mio Global gained worldwide success on a shoestring budget with Celigo’s Shipwire Connector for NetSuite - Celigo Industrial IoT Case Study
Mio Global gained worldwide success on a shoestring budget with Celigo’s Shipwire Connector for NetSuite
Growing pains often come with starting and scaling a business. While the pain is easier to absorb when funding is readily available, scaling a company with limited financial resources is a daunting task, especially for businesses that sell and ship a niche product. What should you do if your sales are growing but your volume is not high enough to warrant maintaining your own warehouse? Despite the obstacles, Mio Global pushed ahead to grow into a multi-million dollar technology company while still keeping costs, time, and effort low. In 2012, Mio ramped up its direct-to-consumer business. Around this time, they developed a new product: a fitness-centric continuous heart-rate monitoring watch that did not use a chest strap via optical blood flow sensors. A user’s heart-rate data was broadcast via bluetooth low energy and was compatible with all smartphones, such as iPhone 4s and Galaxy S3. Outside funding was needed as Mio lacked sufficient funds to develop the product. The company started a Kickstarter campaign, which was a success. The aftermath, on the other hand, was “a complete nightmare” when the time came to fulfill and ship orders to their customers, with costs that went “through the roof” according to Inventory and Forecast Analyst Manager Tim Frazer. They were spending too much time, money and effort on shipping logistics. Their goal was to expand sales globally, and they needed a better way to handle the supply chain and logistics aspect of their business. Unfortunately, when Mio researched third-party logistics solutions, they found that most providers were far too expensive and required higher volumes than their needs allowed. Freight forwarding services were too cumbersome when issues like change orders arose, which would result in an unhappy customer who would post to social media blasting the company. While Amazon looked like a viable option, Mio wanted to be able to sell and ship from various international locations with a single point of contact on their end.
Improving Customer Satisfaction for Lumens Light + Living - Celigo Industrial IoT Case Study
Improving Customer Satisfaction for Lumens Light + Living
Lumens Light + Living needed a way to get accurate, consistent feedback from customers on their level of satisfaction. They lacked a solid gauge of their performance and needed to improve certain areas. Customers came from various points of entry, and Lumens needed a way to ask questions specific to each point of entry and weight what’s more important if a customer purchases in-store versus over the web. They had recently implemented NetSuite and wanted a customer satisfaction survey integrated with NetSuite and transaction-based. Most survey solutions they looked at were not based on transactional events, so they turned to Celigo to extend NetSuite and build a solution within NetSuite’s inherent customization capabilities.
Cellebrite unifies its lead-to-cash process with the Celigo Salesforce – NetSuite Connector - Celigo Industrial IoT Case Study
Cellebrite unifies its lead-to-cash process with the Celigo Salesforce – NetSuite Connector
Cellebrite needed to tightly integrate its CRM and ERP systems to ensure they 'speak the same language' and are aligned at all times. The integration had to be cloud-based to align with the company's strategy of managing all business applications through the cloud. Additionally, the integration had to be implemented simultaneously with the launch of Salesforce and NetSuite, adding complexity to the project. The company also faced the decision of whether to build a custom integration or use a prebuilt solution.
Spectrio gains financial visibility with Celigo’s Lockbox Connector - Celigo Industrial IoT Case Study
Spectrio gains financial visibility with Celigo’s Lockbox Connector
With booming business comes growing pains. Businesses that accept various forms of payments from their customers need to be efficient in managing their finances. A lack of visibility leads to various issues and redundancies. About 7 years ago, Spectrio was entering each receivable manually and using a check scanner. This resulted in countless errors and double-entry work, which prompted them to secure a bank lockbox 4 years ago. This allowed them to print out lockbox reports and manually reconcile those numbers. Still, they encountered issues due to the company doubling in size since 2011, requiring one full-time employee to spend about 30 hours per month on data entry, which was not an efficient use of company resources.
Spectrio automates manual processes with Cash Application Manager - Celigo Industrial IoT Case Study
Spectrio automates manual processes with Cash Application Manager
Similar to many companies, Spectrio manually processed cash application. With a monthly subscription business model, Spectrio processed about 3,000 check payments per month. Even after setting up a lockbox account with their bank, a full-time employee spent 30+ hours per week on data entry to manually reconcile lockbox reports against invoices in NetSuite. This was in addition to hours spent in investigating discrepancies and correcting data entry errors. Furthermore, Spectrio had to wait until close of business to view cash flow and payment statuses. These challenges were at a time when the company was facing rapid growth.
GraduationSource transforms $5 Billion Industry with Celigo’s eTail 360 Solution: Company & Schools Positioned to Profit - Celigo Industrial IoT Case Study
GraduationSource transforms $5 Billion Industry with Celigo’s eTail 360 Solution: Company & Schools Positioned to Profit
Today, a cadre of ‘old school’ suppliers of graduation gowns and services have a predictable business model that includes high costs for struggling schools and students. Every September an army of 1099 sales reps go from school to school, meeting with graduation coordinators to get the May-June commencement order. They place the order with the manufacturer, sit back, and watch the money roll in. GraduationSource was determined to disrupt this model, going direct to the schools and the students and passing the saving back to the schools, PTA and students. But each school has unique pricing and packages, so to do this, they needed to transform into a more modern, eCommerce-like business, with custom online stores for each store, where ordering, customization and fulfillment could all run in a smooth, efficient and automated manner. Being able to transfer order data in real-time is critical to maintaining success in an online retail environment. GraduationSource previously used another integration solutions provider, but found it lacking in enabling the company to fulfill orders quickly and correctly. With their previous system, orders were delayed up to an hour and mapping was not efficient. GraduationSource wanted to have real-time data transfer between their Magento store and NetSuite, and to have a streamline ordering and fulfillment process.


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