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PubNub 协助麦当劳马来西亚运动
麦当劳拯救圣代甜筒运动的数字广告牌上有一个麦当劳圣代甜筒,它在城市的炎热中慢慢融化。为了“拯救”圣代甜筒,观众需要旋转一个巨大的风扇来“冷却”圣代甜筒并使其“不融化”。他们通过旋转迷你风扇来做到这一点,该迷你风扇可通过移动设备的网络浏览器访问。最后,参与者在他们的智能手机上获得了一张优惠券,可以在街对面的麦当劳兑换一个免费的圣代甜筒。实时网络需要能够同时处理数百名用户,并且拥有如此庞大的受众,100% 的正常运行时间对于该活动至关重要。
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Mothership 通过 PubNub 实现实时货运现代化
Mothership 是一家通过一体化运输平台实现货运行业现代化的公司,面临着重大挑战。他们的平台为客户提供实时货运跟踪,并为承运商提供了选择自己时间表的灵活性,但该平台的使用量却出现了激增。这导致需要一种能够可靠且大规模运行的解决方案,以将实时数据推送到客户端应用程序。该公司注重整个交付过程的速度和透明度,因此向客户提供实时更新至关重要。然而,现有的基础设施无法满足不断增长的需求,尤其是在重建移动应用程序时。
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Bluebell 的创新物联网婴儿监视器:案例研究
Bluebell 是一家由三位具有医疗保健背景的父亲创立的公司,旨在通过创建创新的婴儿监视器来简化育儿工作。该团队希望从互连设备上的各种传感器捕获更多数据,同时还融入创造性的跟踪和控制功能。目标是减轻养育子女的压力并改善婴儿的福祉。然而,他们面临着从头开始开发一个应用程序的挑战,该应用程序可以捕获所有这些数据,启用控制和警报,并提供数据驱动的指导,以促进父母和孩子之间更好的联系。该团队意识到开发这样的应用程序将非常耗时且成本高昂。
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MaNaDr 的远程医疗解决方案:为患者和医生提供实时、安全的连接
MaNaDr 是一家医疗保健提供商,面临着满足对现代实时医疗保健服务不断增长的需求的挑战。该公司的目标是提供一个平台,让患者和医生可以互动进行虚拟诊断、筛查、咨询和安排。然而,信息的重要性、隐私问题和监管要求构成了重大障碍。该解决方案需要安全、合规且可靠,以实现实时双向通信。我们面临的挑战是找到一种能够满足所有这些要求而又不影响任何方面的解决方案。
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Stage TEN 的转型:通过 PubNub 为直播电子商务活动提供动力
Stage TEN是一个互动直播电商平台,在举办大型活动时,其内部聊天系统面临着巨大的挑战。系统无法同时处理大量聊天用户,从而导致延迟问题和并发限制。这是 Stage TEN 的主要担忧,因为他们的平台旨在举办实时电子商务活动,其中实时互动对于吸引观众和推动购买至关重要。该公司需要一个可扩展的聊天解决方案,能够处理任意数量的用户而不会出现延迟问题。他们还希望通过表情符号和实时聊天审核等引人入胜的功能来增强他们的平台,以确保积极的用户体验。
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Vampr:利用地理位置和 PubNub 彻底改变音乐网络
Vampr 是一个面向音乐家的移动网络,旨在通过专注于专业网络来将自己与 Facebook 等传统社交网络平台区分开来。该平台根据用户的搜索条件向用户展示潜在的创意合作者,并以拇指滑动作为筛选选项的主要机制。这种方法在 Vampr 推出时是独一无二的,使其与 ReverbNation 和 MySpace 等音乐社交领域的市场领导者区分开来,后者依赖于基于滚动/表单的网络方法。然而,挑战在于确保应用程序用户之间的实时、无缝连接和通信。对于任何地理社交网络来说,实时交互都至关重要,因为与陌生人的对话和初次相遇都是在当下发生的。如果实时体验不够强大,平台就有完全失去脉搏的风险。
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VitusVet 利用 PubNub 实时更新兽医实践
VitusVet 是一个兽医实践客户参与平台,面临着为其 Connect 应用程序大规模构建实时通知的挑战。该应用程序旨在促进兽医和宠物主人之间的沟通,但开发用于实时通知的内部系统需要大量资源和时间。该公司需要一种解决方案,使他们能够快速有效地管理日常运营,改善客户沟通,并确保宠物得到最高质量的护理。我们面临的挑战是找到一种方法,使兽医诊所和宠物主人之间能够进行可靠、实时的沟通,而不必从头开始构建,因为这既昂贵又耗时。
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Yellow 利用 PubNub 构建引人入胜的高性能家庭应用程序
Yellow 是一家构建网络和移动应用程序的科技公司,其任务是创建 Famlicious,这是一款适用于 iOS 和 Android 的安全家庭消息、照片和时间线共享应用程序。目标是通过安全稳定的通信平台连接世界各地的家庭。我们面临的挑战是提供一款复杂的应用程序,该应用程序具有实时聊天功能以及家庭时间线等内容共享功能的快速、同步体验。该应用程序还必须安全,保护家庭成员之间共享的私人和敏感内容。随着 Famlicious 用户群的不断增长,所有这些功能都必须无缝执行,从而提高全球并发用户参与度。面临的挑战是按计划交付生产级实时应用程序,而不受可扩展性不足的基础设施的限制。
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Beamable 利用 PubNub 增强游戏开发体验
Beamable 是一个直播游戏服务器平台,最初是一家将流行娱乐品牌转变为成功游戏的游戏开发商。他们了解游戏开发的挑战,包括创建引人入胜的故事、编写软件以及为许多单独的组件构建基础设施。游戏服务器需要复杂的功能、工具和性能特征。确保工具直观、技术易于实施且大规模执行具有挑战性。 2015 年,Beamable 平台的增长速度超出了其之前的发布/订阅解决方案的处理能力。他们需要一个与 Unity 兼容的发布/订阅系统将信息从服务器推送到客户端。他们还需要强大的 Unity SDK、可以忽略的基础设施,以及支持其发展而无需担心经济处罚的灵活定价。
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利用实时技术彻底改变筹款活动:Event.Gives 和 PubNub 案例研究
Event.Gives 的诞生是出于对传统筹款活动效率低下且纸张繁重的流程的不满。该公司的联合创始人萨姆·斯塔利 (Sam Staley) 在一次小学筹款活动中对繁琐的投标流程感到特别沮丧。这个过程不仅效率低下,而且未能最大限度地发挥捐赠的潜力。我们面临的挑战是创建一个解决方案来简化投标流程、提高参与度并最终筹集更多资金。 COVID-19 大流行的出现使事情变得更加复杂,许多现场活动和筹款活动被取消。 Event.Gives 需要调整并寻找支持虚拟活动并让人们重返工作岗位的方法。
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i6 Group 通过实时更新彻底改变航空燃油和物流供应链
i6 Group 旨在通过软件应用程序改变主要以纸张驱动的航空公司和机场加油行业。我们面临的挑战是创建一个可靠、全面、端到端的解决方案,机场可以信赖该解决方案,以提供有关加油、餐饮和其他机下操作的准确、时间敏感的通知和状态更新。目标是最大限度地缩短周转时间并确保全球各地的航班每次都准时起飞。我们的任务不仅仅是将流程数字化,还要彻底改变流程,使其更加高效和可靠。
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Panzerdog 的实时射击游戏:利用物联网增强玩家体验
Panzerdog 是一家游戏公司,开发了一款快节奏的游戏,由五名成员组成的小队在动态的、物理驱动的世界中相互战斗。该游戏需要团队成员之间的战术协调,因此可靠的沟通对于身临其境的竞技游戏体验至关重要。随着该游戏越来越受欢迎,全球下载量超过 1000 万次,保持玩家体验的质量成为一项重大挑战。游戏体验的任何下降,尤其是游戏中不可或缺的聊天功能,都可能导致日益挑剔和直言不讳的玩家群的不满。从 Google Play 商店的 16 万条评论中可以明显看出这一点。 Panzerdog 最初考虑构建自己的聊天基础设施,但意识到他们需要一个更强大的解决方案。
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RNL QuadWrangle 利用 PubNub 开展个性化筹款活动
RNL QuadWrangle 是一个校友参与平台,其成立的目的是个性化校友外展。他们的平台根据每个人的兴趣、互动和行为来策划内容,确保校友在正确的时间收到正确的信息,无论是通过文本、视频还是电子邮件。然而,为每个人提供自定义通信流需要大量的开发人员资源和维护时间。该公司需要一个可靠的后端消息基础设施,使他们能够持续提供高度个性化的校友体验,而不会给开发人员造成过度的负担。
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消防员实时事件管理:平板电脑指挥和 PubNub 案例研究
Tablet Command 是一家为北美消防部门提供事件管理和响应软件的提供商,在紧急情况下向消防员提供实时更新面临着挑战。该公司的内部更新解决方案不仅耗时且占用大量资源,而且缺乏对其运营至关重要的实时功能。该解决方案的运行方式是每六秒检查一次设备,这对于快节奏、高风险的消防环境来说是不够的。该公司需要一种能够为消防员提供持续、可靠和实时更新的解决方案,帮助他们更快地做出反应并改善紧急情况的结果。
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Tenna 利用 PubNub 进行建筑行业的实时资产跟踪
Tenna 是一家位于新泽西州爱迪生的建筑技术平台,专门从事设备车队运营。他们的创新应用程序通过为建筑公司提供使用实时数据管理和跟踪现场资产和车队的解决方案,弥合了现场项目、设备设施和办公室运营之间的差距。然而,Tenna 在提供实时地理位置跟踪方面面临着重大挑战,这是其平台的一个关键功能。最初,他们尝试构建一个内部系统,但很快意识到他们需要一个更可靠的解决方案,可以为客户提供实时地理定位数据。他们还需要一种能够轻松集成到现有技术堆栈并根据增长计划进行扩展的解决方案。
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Logitech Powers Smart Home Hub, Remote Control and App Using Pubnub
With any home automation solution, users want to monitor and control connected devices from anywhere with an Internet connection, all from their smartphone. Logitech Harmony hub-based remotes include a smartphone app for iOS and Android for this functionality. To power this capability, the Logitech development team needed a way to securely and reliably stream data between the smartphone application and the Harmony Hub. Logitech uses PubNub Realtime Pub/Sub Messaging to power the real-time communication between the smartphone application and hub to enable Harmony users to control their devices outside the home. Flexible and customizable, the Harmony API also allows 3rd party apps (like IFTTT) to integrate and extend Harmony functionality. The Harmony API uses PubNub to communicate third party app requests to the Harmony Hub in the user’s home. Beyond device control, PubNub also streams device state from the Hub to the smartphone application. This enables users to monitor the status of devices in their home in realtime, such as temperature, or whether the lights are turned on and off. Overall, PubNub’s realtime data streaming keeps users in the loop in realtime, and streams any changes as they arise.
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Empowering A More Productive Workforce
Disprz, an interactive employee development and engagement platform, needed to build and deploy a scalable and reliable platform to deliver collaborative and realtime eLearning functionalities. The platform required a hosted realtime service to handle key interactive features such as group chat, messaging, and collaborative whiteboards. Initially built on an in-house stack using Socket.IO and other open-source components, Disprz faced challenges when the influx of users pushed the initial stack to its capacity, threatening the ability to deliver a fast and engaging eLearning experience.
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Fewer Missed Rides, More Healthy Patients
Healthcare transportation is an inefficient, archaic system. 3.6 million Americans miss medical appointments every year due to lack of reliable transportation. $6 billion is spent on healthcare-related transportation every year. Missed medical appointments cost the U.S. healthcare system more than $150 billion per year, and $10 billion of this is caused by avoidable transportation problems. One Call saw the problem with existing healthcare transportation solutions: a combination of patient, dispatcher, and contracted vehicle services manually communicating through a number of channels led to a massive number of missed rides, incorrect pick-up and drop-off locations, penalties, and fees. One Call knew that using emerging technologies, the entire experience could be streamlined to provide a more cost-effective and positive experience for patients.
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Transforming Physician Communication to Improve Quality of Care
Building chat for the healthcare industry is more than just writing code. Strict compliance, complex rules, and closely-monitored regulation of sensitive healthcare data that’s stored and sent isn’t just an expectation – it’s a legal requirement. As a result, everything from the backend infrastructure to the end user features need to be carefully deployed, and maintained at a higher level of sophistication than other industries. After releasing the first version of their application, MedX started to notice stability issues with their backend infrastructure, as well as bugs with their client application. Devoting internal resources to focus on improving reliability, the MedX team quickly recognized they lacked the domain knowledge to continue to improve and innovate their app. With over 23,000 physicians using the application, MedX needed to improve reliability, and open up the opportunity to create new, innovative features for their users.
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Fanhub Uses Pubnub to Power Leading Interactive Sports Fan Apps
To deliver realtime, interactive second screen experiences, FanHub required a way to stream and sync data across connected devices. With sports, rapid delivery of data is essential, and lag or downtime is unacceptable for connected users. Reliability and speed were paramount considerations for the FanHub in the games and other experiences that it offers. In FanHub’s case, they needed to be able to deliver notifications, updates, and alerts, as well as update and sync front end UI, all in realtime. From the early stages of development of their realtime backend, FanHub knew they wanted to use a commercial data stream network. With a large audience and the requirement of realtime, FanHub chose the PubNub Data Stream Network.
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Veeps Transforms the Way Artists Connect with Fans
Veeps needed a reliable and scalable solution to handle real-time chat during live-streamed performances. Their previous solutions lacked the flexibility and scalability required to maintain their infrastructure in-house. They needed a platform that could handle a high number of concurrent users and deliver messages fast and reliably, ensuring a seamless experience for both artists and fans.
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Pocket Gems leverages PubNub to create a greater sense of community and heighten player engagement in their mobile strategy game, War Dragons.
When Pocket Gems began building War Dragons in 2013, they intended for the game to be heavily reliant on multiplayer interactions. However, they soon realized the importance of social interaction for player engagement and retention. Initially, they built their own in-game chat, which allowed for simple text exchanges. This solution worked for private chats but was insufficient for real-time battles where players needed to communicate quickly and effectively. The challenge was to provide a robust, real-time chat solution that could handle the high volume of messages and users during large-scale battles and events.
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Swiggy's Customer Support Transformation with PubNub
Prior to PubNub, Swiggy handled customer support inquiries primarily through agents in a call center and secondarily through customer support chat in their platform. As a result, even simpler requests—like a customer needing to cancel an order— were usually resolved through a phone call. For customers, this often led to resolution times of up to five minutes. And for support agents, significant manual work and time was spent on minor inquiries. With their previous phone support system, simple requests would turn into multiple questions that would lead to agents needing to navigate through multiple dashboard screens and customers sometimes needing to wait for agents due to limited availability. As Swiggy grew and regularly needed to handle up to 200,000 customer inquiries a day with a peak concurrency of 2,000 users, they turned their focus to adapting their support model to better scale. To accomplish this, they focused on building out their chatbot support.
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Meet Hearo
Bates, the co-founder and CTO of Hearo, faced significant challenges while developing a new core feature for their remote patient monitoring platform. Initially using SignalR for messaging components, Bates encountered limitations when trying to implement a feature that allowed customers and patients to send messages to multiple or specific users, groups, channels, and locations. This issue became critical as he prepared for a tradeshow, realizing that the existing solution would not scale to meet future needs. Frustrated and in need of a quick solution, Bates turned to PubNub, a platform recommended by his developer community. PubNub's extensive client libraries and built-in complex messaging workflows provided the necessary capabilities to overcome the limitations Bates faced with SignalR.
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UCoD 通过 PubNub 实现实时数据可视化
United Colors of Dissent (UCoD) 是一项数据驱动的表演,专为城市环境中的现场公共互动而设计。该表演通过创建动态可视化和信息图表来捕捉不同社区的语言和社会文化概况。公共场所的观众可以通过浏览器上的简单 URL 加入表演,并使用简单的滑块每 30 秒回答一次问题。他们的答案被收集在一个池中,并根据这些答案,结果在媒体外观上可视化。面临的挑战是在收集数据时将其可视化并立即与观众共享,以便在整个表演过程中向他们提供反馈。创作者 Orkan Telhan 和 Mahir Yavuz 需要实时技术将他们的问题结果广播到媒体正面,并让每个人同时看到彼此的答案。他们还需要一种解决方案,能够同时处理用户数量的大幅波动(从少量到数千个用户),并提供实时延迟,无论演出在哪个城市进行。
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ZOLL 通过强大、安全的移动通信平台简化 EMS 调度
ZOLL 是医疗设备和软件解决方案开发领域的领导者,旨在通过简化从紧急呼叫到急诊室/医院的整个流程来转变紧急医疗服务 (EMS) 通信。这种现代化旨在改善患者的反应和护理。为了构建 iOS/Android 应用程序 Respond,ZOLL 需要一个快速、可靠且安全的实时消息基础设施。这三个标准对于任务至关重要。速度至关重要,因为在紧急响应中,几秒钟就可能决定生与死。可靠性是关键,因为即使在不可靠的网络环境中,每条消息都很重要并且需要实时传递。由于患者数据的敏感性以及对符合 HIPAA 的实时基础设施的需求,安全性至关重要。
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Cabify 通过 PubNub 增强乘客体验
Cabify 是一家在 11 个国家/地区 90 多个城市运营的拼车服务,在维持向乘客承诺的高质量体验方面面临着重大挑战。该公司以其专业的司机、干净、现代的汽车而自豪,并让乘客更好地控制自己的旅程偏好。然而,该公司在其内部警报系统方面遇到了困难,该系统对于将乘客与附近可用的司机联系起来至关重要。当乘客请求乘车时,Cabify 必须快速仅向符合需求的司机发出警报,这一过程可能需要同时发送多达 80 个警报。随着 Cabify 扩大业务,内部警报系统无法应对不断增长的需求,威胁到该公司对质量和客户满意度的承诺。
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Climate LLC 的数字农业解决方案:通过实时更新提高生产力
Climate LLC 是拜耳作物科学的数字农业部门,面临着向农民提供实时更新以提高生产力的挑战。该公司需要一种可靠的方式在其数字农业平台上共享实时数据,这将帮助农民通过他们的应用程序实时监控他们的运营情况。面临的挑战是大规模交付这些更新和设备状态更改,而不会出现延迟问题,无论使用率峰值有多高。网络可靠性是一个重要问题,尤其是在使用高峰期的收获季节。该公司需要一种能够持续可靠运行的解决方案,以提供农场设备使用情况的实时更新。
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Gett 借助 PubNub 实现商务地面旅行转型
Gett 是一家总部位于特拉维夫的运输公司,在向乘客和司机提供实时更新方面面临着挑战。该公司的使命是为企业提供最好的移动平台,为商务旅行提供端到端的解决方案。然而,后端服务器的定期更新导致乘客延迟 5-10 秒才能收到司机状态或付款完成的更新。这种延误对乘客和司机都产生了负面影响,导致取消和重新预订,从而造成金钱损失。 Gett 需要一种能够提供即时更新、不会出现任何延迟、信息丢失或安全漏洞的解决方案。
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JUNO 通过 PubNub 实现虚拟活动转型
数字活动和参与平台 JUNO 在 2020 年面临着重大挑战,因为全球大流行对虚拟活动的需求激增。该平台举办大型、多日、多场次的观众活动,随着各行业被迫将现场活动转移到网上,该平台经历了指数级增长。 JUNO 的规模迅速扩大了两倍,并开始托管和连接数百万用户。然而,这种快速增长也带来了问题。他们的活动经常出现人数爆满的情况,参与者往往超过数千人,JUNO 需要为其应用内聊天提供更可靠、可扩展的解决方案。他们已经在使用 Vonage 来实现 OpenTok、视频和音频会议功能,但他们需要一个能够处理无限并发用户并继续与他们一起成长的解决方案。